Ⅰ. Research Background
Ⅱ. Literature Review
Ⅲ. Research Question
Ⅳ. Thesis Statement
Ⅴ. Methodology
Ⅵ. Significance of Research
Ⅶ. Thesis Structure
Chapter 1 The Roman Catholic Church in Modern Ireland
1.1 The Status and Role of the Catholic Church in Irish Society: 1922- the 1960s
1.1.1 The Catholic Church and Irish national identity
1.1.2 Clericalism and the status of Catholic priests
1.1.3 The symbiotic relationship between the Church and the State
1.2 Social Changes and Secularization in Ireland: Decline in Authority andInfluence of the Catholic Church: from the 1960s on
1.2.1 Change within the Catholic Church
1.2.2 Change in Church-State relations
1.2.3 Economic development
1.2.4 Media's growth
1.2.5 Women's status
1.2.6 Transformation in Irish Catholic culture and religiosity
Chapter 2 Clerical Child Abuse in Ireland
2.1 Clerical Child Abuse: Definition and Specification
2.2 Avalanche of Scandals: the Revelations of Clerical Child Abuse
2.2.1 Exposure by the media
2.2.2 Revelation by survivors of clerical abuse
2.2.3 Revelation by the government inquiries into clerical child abuse
2.3 Responsibility and Accountability: Clerical Child Abuse under Protectionbefore the 1990s
2.3.1 The Church hierarchy
2.3.2 The State authorities in a symbiotic Church-State relationship
2.3.3 The Irish public in a symbiotic Church-people relationship
Chapter 3 Ireland's Response to the Revelations of Clerical Child Abuse
3.1 The Irish Catholic Church and the Vatican
3.1.1 Denial of the truth and evasion of responsibility
3.1.2 Starting to assume responsibility
3.1.3 Response from the Vatican
3.2 The State Authorities
3.2.1 Establishment of inquiries into clerical child abuse
3.2.2 Child protection legislation
3.2.3 Compensation
3.3 The Irish Society
3.3.1 Non-government organizations and interest groups
3.3.2 Wider society
Chapter 4 The Impact of the Revelations of Clerical Child Abuse and Secularizationin Ireland
4.1 Disenchantment with the Institutional Church
4.1.1 Belief in the Church's credibility shattered by the scandals
4.1.2 Drastic decline in Church attendance following the scandals
4.2 Differentiation of the Church from Social Spheres: Further Decline of Church'sAuthority in Irish Society
4.3 Child Protection: Rationalization of Management and Autonomization of Stateand Civil Authorities
Works Cited
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