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发布时间:2018-05-19 00:20

  本文选题:一般节食者 + 节食状况 ; 参考:《云南师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Under the influence of "thin beauty", some Chinese teenagers, especially women, have taken dieting measures to achieve the goal of losing weight. However, most dieters do not lose weight, and extreme dieters suffer from eating disorders. Current studies on dieters focus on extreme dieters, but few on dieters. Dieters generally refer to dieters who occasionally have an overdose. Studies have shown that most dieters experience low self-esteem, self-evaluation and emotional distress. According to the definition of dieting status in previous studies, this study defined dieting status as the actual diet behavior, diet cognition and behavioral tendency, through convenient sampling. After the dieters with extreme dietetic tendencies were excluded, the dieting status of the general dieters of college students in Yunnan was investigated, and the mechanism of dietetic cognition and behavioral tendency on self-evaluation and emotion was further discussed. In the first study, a total of 318 college students in a university in Yunnan province were investigated by dieting status scale and eating disorder questionnaire, of which 237 were female and 81 were male. The results showed that the prevalence of eating disorders was 1.65, which was lower than that of other regions; the diet status of girls was more serious than that of boys in gender; and the overall diet status was similar to that of other regions. In the second study, 391 college students were investigated by eating disorder questionnaire, core self-evaluation questionnaire and POMS mood scale, of which 82 were male and 309 were female. The mediating mechanism of dieting cognition and behavioral tendency influencing emotion through self-evaluation was investigated. The results showed that in the dimensions of dieting cognition and behavioral tendency, physical dissatisfaction and fear maturity could negatively affect emotion through self-evaluation, in which self-evaluation played a completely mediating role; But the sense of inefficiency and the sense of internal feeling can influence emotion through self-evaluation, and also directly affect emotion, and play a part of intermediary role. In conclusion, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) the actual dieting rate of female students in Yunnan is much higher than that of boys, and there are dieters in male groups. The differences between actual weight and expected weight, the proportion of actual behaviors on diet, and the scores of cognitive and behavioral dimensions of diet were similar to those of other regions. The dietetic cognitive and behavioral predisposition of dieters is more complicated than that of other regions. Cognitive discontentment in dieting behavior, fear maturity can negatively affect emotion through core self-evaluation, self-evaluation plays a complete intermediary role, dieters can control their emotional level by adjusting self-evaluation; Cognitive-behavioral ineffectiveness and internal sense of dieting can affect emotions negatively through self-evaluation, and can directly affect emotions, playing a part of the intermediary role. The way of regulating emotions is more complex. Emotion can be regulated by self-evaluation as well as by dieting cognitive-behavioral tendency.


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