[Abstract]:The 2016 Annual meeting of the National Dance Culture Research Base of the Beijing Dance Academy was successfully completed in Lanzhou, Gansu Province in November 2016. The meeting focused on "Cultural Diversity and 'Belt and Road'", "Dunhuang Music and Dance and East-West Cultural Exchange" and "Cultural Exchange and Cooperation of ethnic minorities along the Silk Road". More than 40 experts from different disciplines from all over the country participated in the discussion. The conference was sponsored by the Science Research Department of the Beijing Dance Academy, the Research Base of National Dance Culture of philosophy and Social Sciences in Beijing, the Science and Technology Department of Lanzhou University of Arts and Sciences, and the Cooperative Innovation Center for the cultivation of talents of traditional Chinese Opera and the Development of stage Drama in Gansu Province. The purpose of the conference is to set up a cross-border platform for the study of national music and dance culture and exchange and cooperation, so that the scholars of music and dance can share their experiences and make use of each other on the basis of their respective research advantages The research base of national dance culture adheres to the idea of "constructing the high-end think tank of national dance culture, spreading the core value of national dance culture", and devotes itself to enhancing the diversity of regional music and dance culture and promoting the prosperity and development of national dance culture.
【作者单位】: 北京舞蹈学院研究生部;
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