[Abstract]:In the current global politics, there is no doubt that the most important is the relations between China, the United States and Russia, and the cooperation and disputes among these three countries will undoubtedly have a profound impact on the trend of global politics. In the relations between the three countries, the US-Russia relationship has been in a cold state because of the contradictions accumulated for a long time, while the two countries are close together. Relations between China and the United States have largely continued to be stable since Trump became President of the United States, and even further developed in some respects. But the world is still facing many uncertainties, including the aftermath of the global financial crisis, the refugee problem, the rise of populist trends and the undercurrent of the anti-globalization wave. These factors also add uncertainty to the direction of power relations. Because of the limitations of its own power, Russia, while still taking a tough stance in its relations with the West, is struggling to make a difference in pushing for globalisation. Trump's America, which has adopted many counter-global policies, is becoming a nation that believes in its own interests above all else. By contrast, China has become the most powerful driver of globalization and the main defender of global governance, and its ideas of "Belt and Road" and "Community of Destiny" have been widely echoed by the international community.
【作者单位】: 对外经济贸易大学国际关系学院;
【基金】:国家社科基金重点项目“国际比较视野下的中国国家认同构建研究”项目批准号:15AZZ006 北京市社科基金重点项目“北京市防范处置群体性事件的对策研究——基于国内外经验的比较”的阶段性成果,项目批准号:14KDA004
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