[Abstract]:"Belt and Road" is an opportunity, but the role of all-round rejuvenation in Northeast China cannot be exaggerated. The key is to develop and advance one's own industries, or else to marry people. " Belt and Road "is a great strategy of opening to the outside world in the western region and the border area. The three northeast provinces should look inward, strengthen the interconnection with the developed coastal areas, cooperate in economy and trade, and undertake the industrial transfer in the developed coastal areas. Secondly, we should work with developed coastal cities to create innovation chain, "Shenyang machine tool" model is worthy of attention, the development path should be based on the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries to develop new industries; The key point is to develop the private economy, attract foreign capital and improve the business environment.
【作者单位】: 江苏省社会科学院世界经济研究所;
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