[Abstract]:The cause of the collapse of the Soviet Union was one of the central issues discussed in academia. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution. We should conscientiously sum up the experience and lessons learned from the Soviet Union's socialist construction since the October Revolution, analyze the domestic and foreign challenges encountered by the Soviet Union on the road and its coping strategies, and finally find out the real reasons for the disintegration of the Soviet Union. It is of great significance for the pursuit of the peaceful rise of China's grand strategy, and also has practical guidance for the development of Belt and Road's initiative. Based on the failure of the Soviet Union's grand strategy in the international market, Stalin's theory of "two parallel markets" is taken as the logical starting point for studying the problem. This paper deeply analyzes the theoretical logic and realistic challenges of the Soviet Union's international market construction and the subjective and objective reasons for the failure of the international market construction, and draws the conclusion that the failure of the Soviet Union's great strategy of building the international market is one of the main reasons for the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Then connecting with the reality of Belt and Road's advance, the author points out the lessons China needs to learn and the correct strategy for moving forward.
【作者单位】: 华东师范大学中亚研究中心;
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