[Abstract]:The Southern Silk Road Economic Belt connects the Silk Road Economic Belt with the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, which is an important part of Belt and Road. In different periods of history, it involves more than 10 provinces in western China, 11 countries in Southeast Asia, 7 countries in South Asia, 27 countries and regions in the Middle East and West Asia. Based on the theory of geoscientific information atlas, cartography and cartography, the following four aspects are studied in this paper: (1) based on the idea of geoscience information atlas, the following four aspects are carried out: (1) based on the idea of geoscientific information atlas, this paper adopts GIS technology and reachability analysis method. The theories of cartography and GIS visualization method were used to map the spatiotemporal evolution of the Southern Silk Road Economic Belt. It is found that the southern Silk Road and node towns were distributed along the river valley in the early stage and along the road and railway network in the late and modern times. The number of road network space, structure and node towns is increasing with time. (2) based on the GIS spatial statistical analysis method, the spatial statistical characteristics of the southern Silk Road economic belt are described. Nodal towns (spatial distribution) have positive spatial autocorrelation, the regions of spatial agglomeration and distribution correspond to road network, the high value region of node towns' nuclear density, It is also the core area of the Southern Silk Road Economic Belt. (3) based on the GIS and accessibility method, the accessibility of the Southern Silk Road Economic Belt transportation network is calculated. Accessibility is affected by traffic conditions, distances, traffic network density and distribution characteristics. The average travel time in five periods (primitive society period, pre-Qin period, Qin and Han dynasty, Tang and Song dynasties, new period) was 60 h ~ 20 h ~ 40 h ~ (30) h ~ (-1) ~ 5 h; (4) Comprehensive trade volume, population and total GDP, transportation cost, distance to build reachability model. The spatial accessibility of China and other countries along the Southern Silk Road Economic Belt is calculated with GIS technology. The results show that the spatial accessibility is proportional to the total economic volume, the population scale, and the distance and traffic restriction. The area with high reachability corresponds to the core area of spatial density, that is, around the central cities of 46 countries, bordering China, the South China Sea, the Malacca Strait and the Malay Islands, and the Bay of Bengal, the southern tip of the Indian Peninsula, and the Indian Ocean. Persian Gulf Strait-Tigris River coast, Red Sea Strait-Suez Canal-Mediterranean coast and so on.
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