
发布时间:2018-01-01 04:16

  本文关键词:东晋公爵阶层研究 出处:《山东大学》2006年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 东晋 封爵制度 公爵 门阀政治 士族

【摘要】:首先需要明确的是,“贵族”是指封爵制度下享有爵位的人群,应有别于“士族”这个概念;本文将要探讨的是东晋的贵族,即在东晋政权封爵制度下享有爵位的人群,应有别于“东晋门阀士族”这个概念。先从公爵这一层次入手,主要考虑适当缩小研究范围,尽量避免泛泛而谈,尝试作一些较为深入的分析。 本文分为三个部分。 第一部分主要从东晋封爵制度的角度出发,详细叙述了当时的公爵在各方面所享有的权利及特权。由此,提供了必要的制度背景,也大致明确了公爵群体的概念范畴。 第二部分内容着重对东晋公爵群体进行政治分析。结合两晋之际的总体形势,探讨东晋建国初期的封爵政策,,可以发现其中的丰富政治内涵,同时凸显出顾荣等几位公爵在东晋立国过程中的重大作用;东晋是历史特征鲜明的门阀政治的时代,矛盾错综复杂,内部屡生变乱,政局多次变更,其中,公爵群体地位突出、表现积极,作用不可替代,实为政治活动的主角;由东晋一代公爵的封授状况和仕宦状况可知公爵群体与高门大族的紧密关系,这也从一个侧面体现出门阀政治格局的特点。 第三部分内容对公爵群体加以简要的社会文化分析。东晋公爵的婚姻状况带有浓厚的政治色彩,可谓利弊兼有,对社会历史发展的影响是多方面的;东晋公爵的文化特点突出,水平高超,在各个领域均有成就,同时从一个新的视角考察了公爵与门阀士族的关系。通过这些论述,我们对东晋公爵群体的认识就比较全面和生动了。 总之,东晋公爵群体处于贵族的上层,包括了当时大部分左右政局的高门大族的领袖人物,构成了一个在政治、经济、文化各方面皆居优势地位且有着一定共同利益的统治阶层,充足的历史事实证明,这个阶层是东晋历史进程的主导力量。
[Abstract]:First of all, it should be clear that "aristocrat" refers to the people who enjoy the title of title under the system of monarchs, which should be different from the concept of "noble clan". This article will discuss the aristocracy of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, that is, the people who enjoy the title under the regime of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, should be different from the concept of "the patriarch of the Eastern Jin Dynasty". The main consideration is to narrow down the scope of research, try to avoid generality, try to make some more in-depth analysis. This paper is divided into three parts. The first part mainly from the point of view of the Eastern Jin Dynasty monarch system, described the Duke at that time in all aspects of the rights and privileges, thus providing the necessary background of the system. The concept of the duke group is also broadly defined. The second part focuses on the political analysis of the duke group of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Combined with the overall situation of the two Jin dynasties, the article discusses the policy of sealing the duke in the early period of the founding of the people's Republic of China in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, which can find the rich political connotation. At the same time, it highlights the important role played by several dukes, such as Gu Rong, in the process of establishing a country in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The Eastern Jin Dynasty is the era of the gentile politics with distinct historical characteristics, with complicated contradictions, frequent internal changes and political changes. Among them, the duke group has a prominent status, positive performance and irreplaceable role. The protagonist of political activities; The close relationship between the duke group and the Gaomen clan can be seen from the seal and official status of the Duke of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, which also reflects the characteristics of the political pattern of the door valve from one side. The third part gives a brief social and cultural analysis of the duke group. The marriage of the Duke of the Eastern Jin Dynasty has a strong political color, it can be described as both advantages and disadvantages, the impact on the social and historical development is various; The duke of the Eastern Jin Dynasty has outstanding cultural characteristics, high level and achievements in all fields. At the same time, from a new angle of view, the relationship between the Duke and the patriarchal clan is investigated. Our understanding of the Duke of the Eastern Jin Dynasty is more comprehensive and vivid. In a word, the duke group of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was in the upper echelons of the aristocrats, including most of the leaders of the Gaomen clan who were in the political situation at that time, and constituted a leader in politics and economy. All aspects of culture are dominant and have certain common interests of the ruling class, sufficient historical facts prove that this stratum is the leading force in the historical process of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.


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