发布时间:2018-01-02 14:15
本文关键词:洪武永乐时期明朝与西域诸国关系研究 出处:《兰州大学》2007年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 明朝 西域诸国 民族关系 民族政策 对外关系 对外政策
【摘要】: 西域地区是东西方许多民族的活动区域和一些民族的栖息地,几千年以来,这里的民族成分十分复杂,各民族间的关系更是错综复杂。西域地区自西汉起就纳入了中国中央王朝的版图,自此后的东汉、曹魏、西晋、北魏、隋、唐、元、清等朝,都对西域地区进行了有效的管辖;在大分裂时期,西域的地方政权在建设西域的同时与中原王朝保持了密切的联系。西域从西汉时的西域都护的设立到清末在新疆建省,乃至新中国在新疆设立民族自治区,实行民族区域自治,说明了新疆是中国神圣不可分割的领土。本文选择学界对西域研究的一个薄弱环节,以明朝洪武、永乐二帝统治时期明朝与西域诸国的关系,说明西域诸国与明朝之间十分密切的关系以及明朝在西域地区发挥的重要作用。并进一步从明朝对西域诸国实行的政策对这种关系产生的交互影响。 本文从四个方面对明朝与西域诸国的关系展开了论述: 第一部分,叙述从蒙古汗国时期到元朝灭亡之前这段时间察合台和窝阔台二汗国与元朝的关系,,并对这一时期西域地区的形势做一番梳理与分析,为下一章做一铺垫。 第二部分将西域地区分成哈密、别失八里、撒马儿罕和土鲁番、火州、柳城、于阗等四个区域对明朝与西域诸国的关系分别做一论述。此外本文还论及瓦剌在西域地区的发展。这是本文的重点之一。 第三部分更进一步从明朝向西域诸国派出的使者傅安、白阿儿忻台和陈诚等人出使西域诸国,说明明朝对发展与西域诸国关系的重视。重点是结合陈诚著的《西域行程记》和陈诚的《竹山先生文集》中的《西域往回纪行诗》的相关内容,说明明朝与西域诸国的友好关系以及西域各族人民对明朝友好热烈的态度。 第四部分通过对明朝对西域诸国实行的政策,说明明朝对西域诸国的政策是明朝与西域诸国和好关系的重要原因,明朝的这些政策在当时对促进中原王朝与西域诸国和好关系和维持与西域地区的稳定发挥了重要作用。并对永乐以后明朝对西域诸国的政策转向的原因做了分析。 总体而言,洪永时期明朝与西域诸国的关系是和睦友好的,这也是明朝和西域诸国上至统治者,下到普通百姓的共同愿望。明朝对西域诸国实行的政策是值得肯定的,它实现了明朝社会的稳定和经济的发展,在很大程度上减轻了明朝北方的压力,促使了明朝与西北各族的交往。因此研究这一时期明朝与西域诸国的关系及对西域诸国的政策具有重要的历史意义和现实意义。
[Abstract]:The Western region is the activity area of many nationalities in East and West and the habitat of some ethnic groups. For several thousand years, the ethnic composition here is very complex. The Western region has been included in the territory of the Chinese Central Dynasty since the Western Han Dynasty, and since then the Eastern Han, Cao Wei, Western Jin, Northern Wei, Sui, Tang, Yuan and Qing dynasties have been included in the territory of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Western Jin Dynasty, the Northern Wei Dynasty, the Sui Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty. Have carried on the effective jurisdiction to the western region area; During the period of great splittism, the local regime in the Western region maintained close contact with the Central Plains Dynasty while building the Western region. The Western region was established from the Western Han Dynasty to the establishment of the Western region Capital in the late Qing Dynasty in Xinjiang. Even the establishment of ethnic autonomous regions in Xinjiang and the practice of regional national autonomy in Xinjiang show that Xinjiang is a sacred and indivisible territory of China. This paper selects a weak link in the study of the Western regions by the Ming Dynasty Hongwu. The relationship between the Ming Dynasty and the Western States during the reign of Yongle two Emperors. The close relationship between the states of the Western region and the Ming Dynasty and the important role played by the Ming Dynasty in the Western region were explained, and the interaction between the policies of the Ming Dynasty and the countries of the Western region was further discussed. This paper discusses the relationship between Ming Dynasty and the Western States from four aspects: The first part describes the relationship between Chahoutai and wuluotai and the Yuan Dynasty from the period of Mongol khanate to the end of Yuan Dynasty, and analyzes the situation of Western region in this period. Pave the way for the next chapter. The second part divides the Western region into Hami, Bel, Samarhan and Turpan, Fire State, Willow City. The relationship between Ming Dynasty and the Western regions is discussed in four regions such as Khotan. In addition, the development of Whara in the Western region is also discussed in this paper, which is one of the emphases of this paper. The third part further from the Ming Dynasty to the Western States sent messengers Fu, Bai er Xin Taiwan and Chen Cheng, and other people sent to the Western States. It shows that the Ming Dynasty attached great importance to the development of the relations between the Western States and the Western regions. The emphasis was on combining the relevant contents of Chen Cheng's Journey of the Western regions and Chen Cheng's collected works of Mr. Zhushan. Explains the friendly relations between Ming Dynasty and the Western States and the warm attitude of the people of the Western region towards the Ming Dynasty. Through the policy of the Ming Dynasty to the Western States, the 4th part explains that the Ming Dynasty's policy towards the Western States is an important reason for the good relationship between the Ming Dynasty and the Western States. These policies of the Ming Dynasty played an important role in promoting the good relations between the Central Plains Dynasty and the Western States and maintaining the stability of the Western region. The reasons for the policy turning of the Ming Dynasty to the Western States after Yongle were analyzed. . In general, the relationship between the Ming Dynasty and the countries of the Western region was harmonious and friendly during the Hongyong period, which was also the upper-ruler of the Ming Dynasty and the Western region. Down to the common aspiration of ordinary people. The policy of the Ming Dynasty to the countries of the Western region is worthy of recognition, it realized the social stability and economic development of the Ming Dynasty, and to a great extent alleviated the pressure of the northern part of the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, it is of great historical and practical significance to study the relationship between the Ming Dynasty and the countries of the Western regions in this period and its policy to the countries of the Western regions.
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