发布时间:2018-03-17 10:54
本文选题:博学鸿儒 切入点:清初 出处:《华中师范大学》2004年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:博学鸿儒科,又称己未词科,是康熙十八年清政府为了笼络山林隐逸和名儒硕彦而增开的一个特殊的制科,用以消弭士人与清廷的对抗情绪,达到稳定统治的目的。康熙帝名义上是崇儒右文、优选博学渊通之士,实际上是为了网罗有影响的士人。己未科基本上达到了清廷的目的,同时,也聚集了一大批文词卓越、博通经史之士及理学、经济之才。他们会聚京城,纂修《明史》,经筵日讲,无异于一次学术盛会。鸿儒与其他学者一道,彼此交流、互相探讨,有效地促进了学术发展。 明末清初,风云变幻,各种思潮诸如异端思想、实学运动、复古考据之风、经世致用精神、民族主义、修正王学等不断涌现,气象万千,思想学术进入了由理学向经史考据之学的转变过程。明清易代,明朝遗老顾炎武、黄宗羲等人倡导朴实的学风,开启了清代的经史之学。到乾嘉时期,经史考据,风靡学界。从顾、黄等大师到乾嘉学者,中间几十年的时间,经历了怎样的学术转换和承接过程?由谁来具体承接?本篇以为,以博学鸿儒为代表的一代学者,正是他们,顺应学术思想发展的潮流,承上启下,完成了由理学向经学的转换,由通经致用之学向经史考据之学的转化。经过他们的倡导和努力,学术发展的脉络更加清晰,经史考据之学逐步登堂入室。 本篇从三个大的方面来探讨康熙时期的博学鸿儒及其与清初学术转变的关系问题。 首先,通过考察博学鸿儒群体审视士人与清廷的关系,探寻促成学术转变的外在因素。在明清易代的背景下,激于义愤的士人形成了呼唤传统道德、不趋奉朝廷和流俗、重视读书问学的士林风气。康熙帝为了消弭士人对朝廷的对抗情绪,为了稳定在全国的统治,调整了文化政策,于康熙十八年征召博学鸿儒。增开此科,康熙帝极尽笼络之能事,百般优遇应荐士人,基本达到目的。从此,士人处于朝廷的有效控制之下。在康熙帝与鸿儒的交涉中,他采用怀柔政策,恩威并用;在文化政策上,他接受汉族先进的文化,崇儒重道,掌控士人言论。并且,他还将宋明理学进行改造,加以利用,用来制掣士人,使之处于“失语”的状态。因此,群英荟萃的鸿儒群体中,理学、经济、词章、考据、德化无不具备,但他们在朝廷控制下,落英缤纷。最终只有经史博学之士,得以材尽其用,这充分显示了朝廷在学术导向上的作用。鸿儒在朝廷的安排下,纂修《明史》,经筵日讲,在学术上作出了较大贡献,对清朝文化政策产生了重要影响,也反映出朝廷对士人的思想控制趋向。 第二部分,通过对鸿儒代表的个案研究,论述其学术转换的轨迹和所起作用。明末清初学术思潮,在多元发展中,凸显了黜虚务实、崇尚经学的主脉。在这种学术思想的大背景下,鸿儒一代学人在明清之际学术大师首倡下,积极倡导转变学风,从事研经读史的务实学问。汤斌代表了鸿儒中的理学人士,他顺应实学的形势,主张调和朱、王,不辨门户,为理学增添了实 馨 博士学位论文 DOCTORALDISSER毛价,ION 行、务实的内容,注重躬行实践;同时,他开始倡导读经,研究经典、传注,,促进了理学向经 学方向的转变。朱彝尊是受江南地区浓厚的学术氛围熏染的学者,具有良好的古学功底,博学 多才。他倡导健实的学风,循着由小学入经学的路径,研经,考史,成为与顾炎武、阎若球并 肩比踵的清初考据学的开启者。他在金石学、目录学等领域的建树,为经学的发展铺平了道路。 潘来是顾炎武的及门弟子,一方面他沿着顾炎武所指引的经学路径研究金石、音韵,其编纂明 史的有关思想己蕴涵了考据学的特征;另一方面受江南地区实学运动的影响,他又努力去推动 历算学、医学等实学的研究工作。潘来成为清初学者中深入经学领域的重要代表。毛奇龄是清 初典型的由理学向经学转化的缩影。他是理学营垒中的王学后人,将理学中的门户之争转移到 了经学领域。晚年,他以经学为己任,促使明清之际博大恢弘的经世致用之学向经史之学转变。 他对宋儒朱子的批判,揭开了考据学者批判理学的序幕。毛奇龄应该是鸿儒中对乾嘉学派影响 最大的学者。 第三部分,‘综论博学鸿儒在清初学术中承上启下的转变作用。首先从鸿儒的“归隐心态”、 康熙帝的文化政策两方面分析促成清初学术转变的外在因素。结合时代背景,分析鸿儒学人在 学术研究宗旨、研究内容、治学态度、学术规范等方面对明清之际诸大师的继承和转变,其中 包括经世致用、民族思潮潜移转化的原因。接着,从尊宋抑汉的学术倾向、礼学的研究与践履、 对宋明理学的批判三个方面,论述鸿儒学人在转变中所起的作用,侧重其对乾嘉学者的影响。 结语部分论述了鸿儒学人在清学史上的地位和贡献,指出他们是介于明清之际尝术大师和乾嘉 学者之间的一竹学人,其对学术转变的学术作用不容忽视,其学术贡献也颇有价值。 关键词:博学鸿儒清初学术转换士人康熙
[Abstract]:Erudite examination, also called special examinations of 1679, Kangxi is eighteen years of the Qing government in order to win over the Mingru and recluse michihiko increased number of a special system, to eliminate the antagonism with the Qing Dynasty scholar, stabilize the purpose of the rule of emperor Kangxi. The name is the optimal selection of erudite Confucian worship, Yuan Tong who is actually in order to recruit influential scholars. Science has basically reached the goal, at the same time, also gathered a large number of literary excellence, scholar and Broadcom through the history of science, Jingjizhicai. They gather in Beijing, compiling < > Ming, Jingyan daystresses, is tantamount to an academic event. Ru and other scholars together, communicate with each other, mutual study, effectively promoted the academic development.
The late Ming and early Qing Dynasty, various thoughts such as heresy amidst the winds of change, and the pragmatic movement, retro textual style, spirit of statecraft, nationalism, Wang correction are emerging, majestic and grand entered by the academic thoughts, science and shift to textual criticism. The Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Ming Dynasty Wang Gu Yanwu, Huang Zongxi, et al. Advocating simple style in the Qing Dynasty, opened the classics. To the period of Qianlong, through textual research, popular in academia. From Gu, Huang and other masters to scholars, several decades of time, the academic experience how to transform and undertake the process? Who is to undertake specific? This article thinks, to the learned scholars as the representative of a generation scholars, it is they, conform to the trend of the development of academic thought, nexus, completed by the science to classics, from the classics into use learn to history textual research. Through advocacy and their efforts, academic development Clear history of textual criticism step up.
This article discusses the relationship between the Kangxi period from three aspects of the learned scholars and its transformation and early Qing academic.
First, look at the relationship between the intellectuals and the Qing learned scholars through the study groups, to explore the external factors contributed to academic change. In the background of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, scholars formed excited indignation at the call of the traditional morality, not fawn on the court and vulgar, attention to reading and learning. At that time the emperor Kangxi in order to eliminate the scholar of the court the emotional confrontation, in order to stabilize the rule, adjust the cultural policy in the eighteen years of Kangxi called the learned scholars. To open this branch, as the emperor Kangxi can win, a variety of preferential treatment should be recommended scholars, basically achieve the purpose. From then on, the scholar in the court under effective control. In the negotiations of emperor Kangxi and the Ru and he adopted the policy of appeasement, in cultural policy, apply the carrot and stick judiciously; he accepted the advanced Han culture, advocating Confucianism, the control of speech. And he will also Neo Confucianism transformation, to use, to guard the, So in the "Aphasia" of the state. Therefore, the west of the scholar group, science, economy, literature, textual research, Dehua has all, but they are in the government under the control of Fallen petals lie in profusion., ultimately only as a learned scholar, to make the best use of materials, which fully shows the government plays a leading role in learning. In the court. Hongru arrangement, compiling < > Ming, Jingyan daystresses, academic made a greater contribution, has an important influence on the cultural policy, but also reflects the trend of scholars thought control.
The second part, based on the case study on the representative scholar, academic transformation trajectory and the role played by the late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty. The academic trend, in the diversified development, highlights to pragmatic, advocate the main vein of science. In the background of the academic thought, Hongru a generation in the Ming and Qing Dynasties academic the master initiated, actively promote the transformation of the style of study, research in the down-to-earth learning. Tang Bin represents the people of science scholar, he complied with the real situation, Zhu Wang, advocates harmony, as science does not distinguish the portal, add.
PhD thesis
For practical content, at the same time, he began to practise personally what one preaches; advocate reading, study the classics, annotations, promote science to the