本文选题:舆论力量 + 社会巨变 ; 参考:《文艺评论》2014年10期
[Abstract]:With Wu Sangui leading the Qing army into Beijing, a large number of Han civil servants in the Ming Dynasty immediately attached to the new dynasty, the so-called "two ministers" 1, with the northern majority of 2. In the change of the Ming and Qing dynasties, although the social changes had a strong impact on the thoughts of the literati and officials, they did not shake the deep-rooted idea of Yi Xia, and Schilling adhered to the bottom line of traditional ethics and maintained the power of public opinion of the Qing Dynasty. So that those at the time of the National Rebellion lost evidence, the first rat at both ends of the disconnection, years into the Qing Dynasty has been unable to extricate themselves from the embarrassing situation of 3. 5%. Therefore, compared with the Ming Dynasty, most of the scholars in the north did not change their amateur life style, but their connotations were greatly different. Qing Dynasty
【作者单位】: 泰州学院人文学院;
【基金】:江苏省教育厅2012年度高校哲学社会科学基金项目(编号:2012SJD7500022) 泰州学院教授(博士)科研基金项目(编号:TZXY2013JBJJ010)阶段成果
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