
发布时间:2018-05-26 21:54

  本文选题:略论 + 东汉 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2002年硕士论文

【摘要】: 经学经过两汉长期的发展,奠定了其在中国传统文化中的重要地位。而东汉前期两汉之间特殊的历史时期,其经学在汉代经学发展和演变中具有自己的特点,在两汉经学发展中起着承前启后的作用。故研究东汉前期经学对认识整个汉代经学发展有着重要意义。 本文主要对东汉前期的经学发展和这一时期以经治国的状况作初步探讨。东汉前期统治者在借鉴前朝统治经验和王莽篡汉教训的基础上,更加重视社会意识形态和上层建筑的作用。因此,东汉初年,最高统治者就将经学确立为“国宪”而大力提倡。首先作为最高统治者的君主身体力行,竭力倡导,并大力发展经学教育,使经学文化在继西汉之后,得到了广泛、深入的传播,,儒家文化空前繁荣,儒家的伦理纲常成为东汉时代的主旋律。这种做法要比用行政和暴力手段控制、约束人民更为有效,对于维护东汉皇权,稳定社会秩序,缓和社会矛盾起到了积极作用。在大力发展经学教育的同时,东汉前期统治者又大力奉行“柔道”,以经治国,凡事皆以经为断,一切政令皆以经学为依据,使封建社会各个领域无不打上经学的烙印。经学在东汉前期经世致用中发挥了重要作用,并影响到后世。到东汉中期以后,由于经学自身日益烦琐化和谶纬化、迷信化,又由于中后期历史条件的变化,经学越来越不适应统治者需要,以经治国也由极盛而转为衰落。
[Abstract]:After the long-term development of the Han Dynasty, the Confucian classics established its important position in the Chinese traditional culture. However, in the special historical period between the two Han dynasties in the early period of the Eastern Han Dynasty, its Confucian classics had its own characteristics in the development and evolution of the Confucian classics in the Han Dynasty, and played a role of connecting the past and the future in the development of the Confucian classics of the two Han dynasties. Therefore, the study of the early Eastern Han Dynasty Confucian classics is of great significance to the understanding of the development of the whole Han Dynasty. This paper mainly discusses the development of Confucian classics in the early Eastern Han Dynasty and the state of governing by the classics in this period. In the early Eastern Han Dynasty, the rulers paid more attention to the role of social ideology and superstructure on the basis of drawing lessons from the ruling experience of the former dynasty and the lessons of Wang Mang usurping the Han Dynasty. Therefore, in the early years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the supreme ruler strongly advocated the establishment of Confucian classics as the constitution of the state. First of all, the monarch, as the supreme ruler, tried his best to advocate and develop the education of Confucian classics. After the Western Han Dynasty, the culture of Confucian classics was spread widely and deeply, and the Confucian culture became more prosperous than ever. Confucian ethical principles became the main melody of the Eastern Han Dynasty. This practice is more effective than controlling and restraining the people by administrative and violent means, which plays a positive role in safeguarding imperial power, stabilizing social order and easing social contradictions in the Eastern Han Dynasty. While developing the education of Confucian classics, the rulers of the early Eastern Han Dynasty vigorously pursued "judo" and ruled the country by the classics, and all political orders were based on the study of the classics, which made every field of feudal society imprinted with the study of the classics. The study of Confucian classics played an important role in the early Eastern Han Dynasty and affected later generations. After the middle period of the Eastern Han Dynasty, due to the increasingly cumbersome, prophecy, superstition and the change of historical conditions in the middle and late period of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Confucian classics became more and more unsuited to the needs of the rulers, and the rule of the country by the Confucian classics also changed from extremely prosperous to declining.


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