
发布时间:2018-09-08 07:49
[Abstract]:Political unification is the first prerequisite in Chinese history. Qin Shihuang unified the world and created a platform for the people to survive and develop. However, he chose the Legalist thought on the concept of governing the country, which led to violent cultural conflicts. In the early Han Dynasty, Huang Lao thought was chosen to advocate quiet and inaction, which prompted the society to pass the short special period after the chaos. When this unified country transitioned to a normal state, it was inevitable to look for a new soul of nation-building and to establish a broad guiding ideology of governing the country. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was responsible for the arduous task of the historical transformation. Dong Zhongshu's "three policies of Heaven and Man" advocated "unification" and "respecting the six Classics", which reached a high resonance with Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and established Confucian classics as the highest ideology of the country. Emperor Wu-Di of the Han Dynasty set a precedent for the study of Confucian classics on the Chinese political stage. The core of the policy of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was "to promote virtue, to teach in the Ming Dynasty" and "to respect Confucianism", but he also "respected the law". Therefore, the politics of the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was not a politics of the "king's way". But history has advanced a big step forward. Throughout the Qin and Han dynasties, "Qin Huang" solved the problem of "ruling the world with Wu", while "Han Wu" solved the problem of "bringing peace to peace with literature". A high degree of consensus has had a profound impact.
【作者单位】: 北京大学哲学系;


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