[Abstract]:As the basis of dividing the annual time, the calendar has a direct impact on the time arrangement of various folklore activities. The calendar from the state to the people, there is a complex process of operation. The dissemination of the annual calendar of the Ming Dynasty took the Chief Secretary as the center and the local gentlemen as the important bridge from top to bottom in the society. The national way of solving the annual cost of printing calendar days is the collection of silver in the form of "materials" and "officers" in the system of duty service. The dissemination of the Grand Calendar objectively constructs a basic annual time system defined by a country and shared by members of society. It is not difficult to find out that the measure of issuing the calendar is one of the important technical means for the management of the country at that time. The comprehensive investigation of the process of the promulgation of the Grand Calendar, the way of ensuring the national system and the time significance of its load, are not difficult to find out the measure of issuing the almanac.
【作者单位】: 北京大学历史系;
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