发布时间:2018-09-11 13:11
【摘要】: 雍正朝(1723—1735)在清前期的历史上地位重要,学术界对该朝研究的重视首推孟森先生。海外史界对雍正朝的研究,可追溯到五十年代的日本。1949年京都大学人文科学研究所创开办了“雍正xC批谕旨研究班”,只到1971年春才宣告结束。研究班培养了几代青年学者,其中杨启樵先生后来研究雍正帝颇有影响,佐伯富先生的长篇论文《清代雍正朝的养廉银研究》也是该领域的代表作。建国以来,我国史学界对雍正朝的研究长期寂寞,自1978年以后才逐渐升温。雍正朝政治始终是雍正朝研究最热门的领域,如奏折制度、军机处、雍正继统问题等问题历来讨论较多。关于官员人事制度及其运作方面的探索尚不多,本论文的切入点主要锁定在这一研究薄弱环节,以期勾沉史实,填补空白。在资料引用方面,除《清世宗实录》、《雍正起居注》以及大量的官员奏折资料外,本论文还重点整理和利用了雍正朝引见官员的履历档案。 本论文只是对雍正朝官僚人事制度若干问题进行考证和探究,并非是对这一朝代官僚人事问题的全方位描述,如各衙门的设置及人数、官员的俸禄、官缺和升迁的细则等等问题并未展开论述,这些问题在清代《会典》中皆有详尽的记载。本文试图运用政治社会学和政治组织学的观点,结合计量史学的方法,从引见制度和皇帝的官僚人事权、保举题补制度和督抚提镇的人事权、捐纳制度以及雍正朝引见官员的学历和年龄构成、引见官员的地理分布四个方面,探讨有关雍正朝官僚人事的运转机制,为解析中国传统政治结构提供细节资料。 官僚的升调迁转引见是皇帝人事权的重要方面。随着中央集权和皇权的加强,清代的引见制度到雍正时已比较完备,雍正对官僚人事权常抓不懈,在引见制度上创设较多。雍正通过对引见制度的改革,强化了皇帝对官员的选任、调配和考察权,进一步打破了八旗的选官特权,推动了八旗的官僚化进程。但以中国地方之广和官员数量之众,雍正凭一人之力要对所有官员严密监控是不可能的,他主要控制的只是少数高层官员与八旗官员,中下层官员经他详察和调配的不过数百人,常规的官员还是由吏、兵二部来安排确定。在引见时,皇帝对能干的官员会记名特用,对少数平庸的官员会调简、改教职或留部考察,这一切皇帝根据自己的面试标准来决定,皇帝要对众多官员形成印象并加以判别,在很大程度上要依据“先行经验”。在引见、甄别人材的实践中,雍正依据自己的“先行经验”形成了别具风格的面试术,如以外貌特征、地域和民族特点、以原型人物类比等。 文武官员的保举和题补制度是清代政治的重要特色。本文对雍正朝的保题制度作了全方位的考述与归类,认为雍正朝的题补范围比康熙时宽广,题补缺也比 原来多。通过对雍正、乾隆、嘉庆三朝绿营武官题补比例的考证与推算,估计绿 营武官的题补比率每朝约递增5个百分点,反映了督抚提镇人事权不断增加的趋 势。在实行保题制度时,雍正对各种亲缘关系并不顾忌,甚至还鼓励保举有亲缘 关系的官员。同时,雍正也严格保题者的连带责任,严惩询私和滥举行为。保题 制度主要功能是克服科举制以文取人的弊端,注重以能、以德取人,有“技术官 僚”的取向。有些学者笼统地说中国古代选官重文学修养而轻行政能力,这一观 点是有疑问的。清代疆域辽阔,经济发展,人口增殖很快,行政事务繁杂,中央 和吏部很难统一人事安排,适当分权地方,,委权臣僚,能提高大一统帝国的统治 效能。运作保题制度的核心人物是部臣和封疆大吏,吏部的人事权因之削弱。但 臣僚们在保题官员时要受资历、任期等各种条件的限制,再加上皇帝的监控,也 不可能真正做到唯才是举,大部分臣僚在保举时实际上是马虎应付。 保题是官员入仕的政治人事因素,此外经济和文化因素也是入仕的重要条 件。入仕的经济因素主要表现为捐纳,本文考述了雍正朝引见官员的各种捐纳行 为,对雍正朝捐纳总数也试图推测,并纠正了前人的某些错误判断。文化和学历 因素是入仕的基本条件,本文对雍正引见官员的学历构成和各层级官员的学历作 了统计分析,说明了学历越高任官的可能性越大,任职的品位可能越高。利用相 关统计资料,对雍正朝文武官员的年龄结构也作了分析。 文化、人事、经济三大选官因素和政府调控的综合作用,决定了文职官员的 地理分布。其中以顺天府和江南地区为两端而被大运河贯穿的哑铃型区域是全国 产生官员最集中的地带,此二地一为政治中心,一为经济文化中心,政府又有扶 北抑南的举措,最终铸就了哑铃的两极。各省的政治人才中心大多以省府以及大 城市所在府为主,省内各府县的人才分布极不均衡,这种现象在一定程度上也反 映了地方行政区划的不合理。武官的分布则主要受西北用兵和东南海防的影响, 以陕西和福建两地最多。
[Abstract]:Yongzheng Dynasty (1723-1735) played an important role in the history of the early Qing Dynasty. The academic circles attached great importance to the study of Yongzheng Dynasty. The study of Yongzheng Dynasty in overseas history circles can be traced back to Japan in the 1950s. In 1949, the Institute of Humanities and Sciences of Kyoto University established the "Yongzheng xC Approved Oracle Seminar" and only ended in the spring of 1971. The research group has trained several generations of young scholars, among whom Mr. Yang Qiqiao later studied Emperor Yongzheng with considerable influence. Mr. Zuo Bofu's long paper "The Study of Yongzheng Yin in Qing Dynasty" is also a representative work in this field. Yongzheng Dynasty is the most popular research areas, such as the Folk System, the Military Aircraft Department, Yongzheng Succession and other issues have always been discussed more. In addition to the actual records, notes on the living conditions of Yongzheng and a large number of official memorials, this paper also focuses on collating and utilizing the biographical records of the officials introduced by Yongzheng Dynasty.
This paper is only a textual research and exploration of some problems of the bureaucratic personnel system of the Yongzheng Dynasty. It is not an omni-directional description of the bureaucratic personnel problems of this dynasty, such as the establishment and number of the various bureaucracies, the salaries of officials, the absence and promotion of officials and other issues have not been discussed. This paper attempts to use the viewpoints of political sociology and political histology, combining with the method of quantitative historiography, to discuss Yongzheng from four aspects: the introduction system and the emperor's bureaucratic and personnel power, the recommendation and supplement system and the governor's and town's personnel rights, the donation system and the educational background and age composition of the officials introduced by Yongzheng Dynasty, and the geographical distribution of the officials. The operation mechanism of bureaucratic personnel provides detailed information for the analysis of Chinese traditional political structure.
With the strengthening of centralization and imperial power, the introduction system of the Qing Dynasty was relatively complete by the time of Yongzheng. Yongzheng constantly attached great importance to the bureaucratic personnel power and created more introductions. The procuratorial power further broke the privilege of selecting officials from the Eight Banners and promoted the process of bureaucratization of the Eight Banners.However, it is impossible for Yong Zheng to monitor all officials closely with the strength of one person with the vast number of officials in China. In the introduction, the emperor used special names for competent officials, simplified a small number of mediocre officials, changed their posts or stayed in the Ministry to inspect them. All these were decided by the emperor according to his own interview criteria. The emperor wanted to impress and judge many officials, to a great extent. In the practice of introducing and screening talents, Yong Zheng has formed his own unique interview techniques based on his own "prior experience", such as appearance characteristics, regional and national characteristics, and analogy with archetypal characters.
The system of preservation and supplement for civil and military officials is an important feature of Qing Dynasty politics. This paper makes a comprehensive review and classification of the preservation system of Yongzheng Dynasty, and holds that the scope of supplement for civil and military officials is wider than that of Kangxi Dynasty.
It is estimated that the green ratio of Yong Zheng, Qian Long and Jiaqing three military officers in the Qing Dynasty is estimated and calculated.
The ratio of inscriptions to supplements of military officers increased by about 5 percentage points per dynasty, reflecting the increasing trend of personnel power in the town of Superintendent Ti.
When carrying out the title preservation system, Yong Zheng was not afraid of all kinship relations, and even encouraged relatives to be recommended.
At the same time, Yong Zheng also strictly protects the joint and several liability of the subjects, and severely punish private and indiscriminate acts.
The main function of the system is to overcome the drawbacks of the imperial examination system in terms of taking the advantages of people, focusing on energy, taking people by virtue and having "technical officials".
Some scholars generally say that the selection of officials in ancient China emphasized literary accomplishment rather than administrative ability.
There is a doubt about it. The Qing Dynasty had vast territory, rapid economic development, rapid population growth, and complicated administrative affairs.
It is very difficult for the Ministry of justice and the Ministry of justice to unify personnel arrangements, appropriately decentralization, and empower officials to improve the rule of the great empire.
The core of the system is the ministers and officials, but the personnel rights of the departments are weakened.
Officials should be subject to qualifications, tenure and other conditions, and the emperor's monitoring.
It is impossible to be truly talented. Most of the staff members are actually careless when recommending.
Keeping the title is a political and personnel factor for officials to enter the office. Besides, economic and cultural factors are also important.
The economic factors of entering the government are mainly manifested in donation. This paper examines the various donation banks introduced by the officials of the Yongzheng Dynasty.
In order to sum up the total number of contributions to the Yong Zheng Dynasty, we also try to speculate and correct some mistakes made by predecessors.
The factors are the basic conditions for entering the government. This paper discusses the academic composition of the officials introduced by Yongzheng and the academic records of the officials at all levels.
Statistical analysis shows that the higher the educational level is, the more likely the officer is, and the higher the grade of his post is.
On the basis of statistical data, the age structure of Yong Zheng and Wen Wu officials was also analyzed.
Cultural, personnel and economic three election officials and the comprehensive role of government regulation determine the civilian officials.
Geographical distribution. The dumbbell-shaped region with the ends of Shuntianfu and Jiangnan is the whole country.
The area where officials are most concentrated is one of the two political centers, one is the economic and cultural center, the other is the government.
The measures of restraining the north from the South eventually created the dumbbell poles. Most of the provincial political talent centers are provincial capitals and large ones.
To some extent, this phenomenon is also counter-productive.
It reflects the irrationality of the local administrative divisions. The distribution of military officers is mainly influenced by the northwest and southeast coastal defense.
Shaanxi and Fujian are the two most.
[Abstract]:Yongzheng Dynasty (1723-1735) played an important role in the history of the early Qing Dynasty. The academic circles attached great importance to the study of Yongzheng Dynasty. The study of Yongzheng Dynasty in overseas history circles can be traced back to Japan in the 1950s. In 1949, the Institute of Humanities and Sciences of Kyoto University established the "Yongzheng xC Approved Oracle Seminar" and only ended in the spring of 1971. The research group has trained several generations of young scholars, among whom Mr. Yang Qiqiao later studied Emperor Yongzheng with considerable influence. Mr. Zuo Bofu's long paper "The Study of Yongzheng Yin in Qing Dynasty" is also a representative work in this field. Yongzheng Dynasty is the most popular research areas, such as the Folk System, the Military Aircraft Department, Yongzheng Succession and other issues have always been discussed more. In addition to the actual records, notes on the living conditions of Yongzheng and a large number of official memorials, this paper also focuses on collating and utilizing the biographical records of the officials introduced by Yongzheng Dynasty.
This paper is only a textual research and exploration of some problems of the bureaucratic personnel system of the Yongzheng Dynasty. It is not an omni-directional description of the bureaucratic personnel problems of this dynasty, such as the establishment and number of the various bureaucracies, the salaries of officials, the absence and promotion of officials and other issues have not been discussed. This paper attempts to use the viewpoints of political sociology and political histology, combining with the method of quantitative historiography, to discuss Yongzheng from four aspects: the introduction system and the emperor's bureaucratic and personnel power, the recommendation and supplement system and the governor's and town's personnel rights, the donation system and the educational background and age composition of the officials introduced by Yongzheng Dynasty, and the geographical distribution of the officials. The operation mechanism of bureaucratic personnel provides detailed information for the analysis of Chinese traditional political structure.
With the strengthening of centralization and imperial power, the introduction system of the Qing Dynasty was relatively complete by the time of Yongzheng. Yongzheng constantly attached great importance to the bureaucratic personnel power and created more introductions. The procuratorial power further broke the privilege of selecting officials from the Eight Banners and promoted the process of bureaucratization of the Eight Banners.However, it is impossible for Yong Zheng to monitor all officials closely with the strength of one person with the vast number of officials in China. In the introduction, the emperor used special names for competent officials, simplified a small number of mediocre officials, changed their posts or stayed in the Ministry to inspect them. All these were decided by the emperor according to his own interview criteria. The emperor wanted to impress and judge many officials, to a great extent. In the practice of introducing and screening talents, Yong Zheng has formed his own unique interview techniques based on his own "prior experience", such as appearance characteristics, regional and national characteristics, and analogy with archetypal characters.
The system of preservation and supplement for civil and military officials is an important feature of Qing Dynasty politics. This paper makes a comprehensive review and classification of the preservation system of Yongzheng Dynasty, and holds that the scope of supplement for civil and military officials is wider than that of Kangxi Dynasty.
It is estimated that the green ratio of Yong Zheng, Qian Long and Jiaqing three military officers in the Qing Dynasty is estimated and calculated.
The ratio of inscriptions to supplements of military officers increased by about 5 percentage points per dynasty, reflecting the increasing trend of personnel power in the town of Superintendent Ti.
When carrying out the title preservation system, Yong Zheng was not afraid of all kinship relations, and even encouraged relatives to be recommended.
At the same time, Yong Zheng also strictly protects the joint and several liability of the subjects, and severely punish private and indiscriminate acts.
The main function of the system is to overcome the drawbacks of the imperial examination system in terms of taking the advantages of people, focusing on energy, taking people by virtue and having "technical officials".
Some scholars generally say that the selection of officials in ancient China emphasized literary accomplishment rather than administrative ability.
There is a doubt about it. The Qing Dynasty had vast territory, rapid economic development, rapid population growth, and complicated administrative affairs.
It is very difficult for the Ministry of justice and the Ministry of justice to unify personnel arrangements, appropriately decentralization, and empower officials to improve the rule of the great empire.
The core of the system is the ministers and officials, but the personnel rights of the departments are weakened.
Officials should be subject to qualifications, tenure and other conditions, and the emperor's monitoring.
It is impossible to be truly talented. Most of the staff members are actually careless when recommending.
Keeping the title is a political and personnel factor for officials to enter the office. Besides, economic and cultural factors are also important.
The economic factors of entering the government are mainly manifested in donation. This paper examines the various donation banks introduced by the officials of the Yongzheng Dynasty.
In order to sum up the total number of contributions to the Yong Zheng Dynasty, we also try to speculate and correct some mistakes made by predecessors.
The factors are the basic conditions for entering the government. This paper discusses the academic composition of the officials introduced by Yongzheng and the academic records of the officials at all levels.
Statistical analysis shows that the higher the educational level is, the more likely the officer is, and the higher the grade of his post is.
On the basis of statistical data, the age structure of Yong Zheng and Wen Wu officials was also analyzed.
Cultural, personnel and economic three election officials and the comprehensive role of government regulation determine the civilian officials.
Geographical distribution. The dumbbell-shaped region with the ends of Shuntianfu and Jiangnan is the whole country.
The area where officials are most concentrated is one of the two political centers, one is the economic and cultural center, the other is the government.
The measures of restraining the north from the South eventually created the dumbbell poles. Most of the provincial political talent centers are provincial capitals and large ones.
To some extent, this phenomenon is also counter-productive.
It reflects the irrationality of the local administrative divisions. The distribution of military officers is mainly influenced by the northwest and southeast coastal defense.
Shaanxi and Fujian are the two most.
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1 朱曦;《雍正朝内阁六科史书·吏科》中官员请假制度执行研究[D];华东师范大学;2007年