
发布时间:2018-12-16 09:47
[Abstract]:The publication of the Tang Dynasty Medical order attached to the newly discovered Tianyi Pavilion copy of the Song Dynasty "Tianshang order" provides new historical data for the study of the medical education and examination system in the Tang Dynasty. It is not only the selection of medical students of the Tang Dynasty Tai Medical Administration, but also the selection of the medical students in the Tang Dynasty. Comprehensive and detailed regulations have been made for the study of the profession and examinations, and the local medical education and examination system have also been stipulated accordingly. The contents of the medical education system in the Tang Dynasty in the "Medical order" are more than those in the "Tang Liu Dian", "the Tang Dynasty will want", The traditional materials, such as the whole Tang Dynasty, the Old Tang Book and the New Tang Book, are more abundant and can make up for the deficiency of the above historical materials. In addition, the Tang Medical order attached to the Heavenly order can correct errors in existing literature.
【作者单位】: 天津师范大学法学院;


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