
发布时间:2018-12-17 06:47
[Abstract]:In the Tang Dynasty, the inscription of the Monument of Virtue was mixed with a variety of complicated motives. For the people who engrave the inscription, some of them are from the heart to set up the monument for the good officials, and some are driven by the local officials. Because the court attached great importance to the evaluation of local officials by the grassroots people, the "state" of the officials' achievements recorded by the aged and the common people, as well as their evaluation of the local officials, became the important basis for the inscription of the tablet. This became the value of their exploitation by local officials. For the officials under them, they set up steles for the history of state thorns, county orders or town managers, with the purpose of flattering, because the local governors have the power to set up offices in their hands, the right to recommend them, and so on, and there is a certain interest relationship between the two sides; Some officials use the monument to express their gratitude to the owners. In addition, while setting up the inscription for the governor, the inscription of the inscription can also indirectly bring their own political reputation. For the tablet owners, it can bring them a good political reputation and thus bring benefits to the examination class. In the middle and late Tang Dynasty, the legitimacy of power can be obtained by virtue of the monumental monument of the court. For the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, the inscription of a monument of virtue and administration can set a good example for officials in the world, thus achieving the purpose of consolidating political power and maintaining order; when the power of the central government is weak, the emperor uses the monument of virtue to win over the strong and vassal. It can be seen that behind the inscriptions of the Tang Dynasty, there are complicated political motives, not just simple reasons of commending American government or good governance.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院历史研究所;


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