发布时间:2018-02-01 05:18
本文关键词: 公民社会 制度环境 民主政治 优化 出处:《燕山大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着我国社会主义市场经济和民主政治的发展,公民社会在我国也逐步发展起来并扮演越来越重要的角色。公民社会在我国的发展历史并不长,公民社会的发展程度不高。这一方面是由于我国特殊历史条件的限制,另一方面是因为我国公民社会的制度环境存在缺陷。 因此,对公民社会的制度环境问题进行深入地探讨,分析公民社会在我国发展存在的困难或者受到的限制,结合西方公民社会发展的历史和成功经验,提出一些建设性的意见和解决方案,不仅具有重要的理论意义,而且有重要的实际意义。 本文首先提出了公民社会的基本概念,阐述了公民社会的特征及其在我国民主政治建设中的重要意义;其次,根据公民社会制度环境的涵义,,分析了公民社会制度环境的主要因素、我国公民社会制度环境的发展进程,以及当前有利于我国公民社会发展的制度环境因素;再次,探讨了我国公民社会的制度环境存在的问题:不仅我国有关公民社会的法律法规方面存在不足,而且有关公民社会的管理体制、政策导向以及公民社会的内部管理制度都存在问题。最后,本文探讨了西方公民社会的发展的特点,以此作为对我国制度环境建设的启示,提出了一些我国公民社会制度环境的优化措施,以便促进我国公民社会的进一步健康发展,从而促进我国民主政治的发展。
[Abstract]:With the development of our socialist market economy and democratic politics, civil society in China has gradually developed and played a more and more important role. The civil society in the history of China's development is not long, the degree of development of civil society is not high. This is due to the special historical conditions of our country, on the other hand because of the institutional environment of our country civil society is flawed.
Therefore, the problem of institutional environment on civil society deeply discussed, analysis of civil society exists in our country development difficulties or limitations, combined with the history and the development experience of the western civil society, put forward some constructive advices and solutions, not only has important theoretical significance, but also has important practical significance..
This paper puts forward the basic concept of the civil society, expounds the characteristics of civil society and its important significance in the construction of the democratic politics in China; secondly, according to the institutional environment of the civil society concept, analyzes the main factors of the institutional environment of the civil society, the development of environmental social system of our citizens, as well as the current system of environmental factors conducive to the development of civil society; thirdly, discusses the existing institutional environment of our country civil society problem: not only the laws and regulations relating to the civil society in China is inadequate, and the civil society management system, policy and civil society's internal management system has some problems. Finally, this paper discusses the characteristics of the development of the western civil society, as a system of China environment construction enlightenment, put forward some optimization measures of China's civil society institutional environment In order to promote the further healthy development of the civil society of our country, it will promote the development of democratic politics in our country.
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