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发布时间:2018-03-25 00:36

  本文选题:德治 切入点:古代德治思想 出处:《西北农林科技大学》2010年硕士论文

【摘要】: 经过30多年改革开放,中国基本形成了完善的社会主义市场经济体制。但我们也必须注意到由于制度、意识、文化等方面的差异,在市场经济发展与和谐社会的构建过程中不可避免地出现了许多道德伦理方面的问题,不利于正常经济秩序的形成,严重阻碍和干扰着市场经济持续、快速、健康的发展。从五四运动开始,人们对传统文化,特别是儒家文化进行了全面的批判。时至今日,人们的思想道德状况不但没有明显的改善,还出现了许多新的问题,这引起了人们深深的忧虑和思考。 正是在这种状况下,2001年1月江泽民总书记在出席全国宣传部长会议的同志座谈时提出:“我们在建设有中国特色社会主义,发展社会主义市场经济的过程中,要坚持不懈地加强社会主义法制建设,依法治国,同时也要坚持不懈地加强社会主义道德建设,以德治国。”这些论述是江泽民对德治和法治相结合的治国方略的崭新论述,是对马克思主义德治学说的继承与发展,是对现代中国思想道德状况的深刻反思,具有深远的历史意义和很强的现实意义。 中国是一个有着上下五千年文化历史的文明古国,自古以来就以文明之乡,礼仪之邦而享誉世界。历经数千年的洗礼与考验,大量优秀的中国传统文化被传承、发展和积淀下来,给我们留下了巨大的精神财富。古代德治思想便是在这一历史过程不断的发展、演变中流传了下来。因此,研究古代德治思想对加强和完善我们今天的以德治国和依法治国相结合的治国体系,推进和谐社会的构建都具有重要的现实意义和借鉴价值。 本论文主要包含三个部,第一部分也即论文的第二章,主要对马克思主义与古代德治之间的关系以及马克思主义德治观进行说明,作为本论文写作的理论依据,从马克思主义的角度对古代德治思想展开陈述。第二部分即第三章主要从德治思想的产生背景条件,德治思想的内容和特点,德治思想的发展历程进行论述,并在此基础上对古代德治思想的历史作用加以评述;第三部分也即文章的第四章主要是在明确古代德治思想与新时期以德治国二者之间的继承发展关系的前提下,在阐明中国社会主义市场经济体制下道德的现状,道德领域存在严峻问题的基础上,进而得出挖掘古代德治思想的当代价值以加强道德建设,推进以德治国的必要性。
[Abstract]:After more than 30 years of reform and opening up, China has basically formed a perfect socialist market economic system. However, we must also pay attention to the differences in system, consciousness, culture, etc. In the course of the development of market economy and the construction of harmonious society, many moral and ethical problems inevitably appear, which are not conducive to the formation of normal economic order, and seriously hinder and interfere with the sustained and rapid development of market economy. Healthy development. Since the May 4th Movement, people have comprehensively criticized the traditional culture, especially the Confucian culture. Up to now, people's ideological and moral conditions have not only not been significantly improved, but also many new problems have emerged. This has aroused people's deep worry and thinking. It was under this circumstance that in January 2001, General Secretary Jiang Zemin, at a meeting of comrades attending the National Conference of propaganda Ministers, put forward: "We are building socialism with Chinese characteristics and developing a socialist market economy. We must unremittingly strengthen the construction of the socialist legal system and run the country according to law, and at the same time we must persistently strengthen the construction of socialist morality and rule the country by virtue. "these statements are a new statement by Jiang Zemin on the general strategy of governing the country, which combines the rule of virtue with the rule of law. It is the inheritance and development of the Marxist theory of rule of virtue, the profound reflection on the ideological and moral situation of modern China, and the profound historical and practical significance. China is an ancient country with a history of five thousand years of culture. Since ancient times, it has enjoyed worldwide fame as a land of civilization and ceremony. After thousands of years of baptism and testing, a large number of outstanding Chinese traditional cultures have been passed on. Development and accumulation have left us great spiritual wealth. It is in this historical process that the ancient thought of rule of virtue has been continuously developed and evolved. It is of great practical significance and reference value to study the thought of rule by virtue in ancient times to strengthen and perfect our system of governing the country by virtue and rule by law, and to promote the construction of harmonious society. This thesis mainly includes three parts, the first part is the second chapter of the thesis, which mainly explains the relationship between Marxism and ancient rule of virtue and Marxist view of rule of virtue, which is the theoretical basis of this thesis. The second part, the third chapter, mainly discusses the background conditions, the content and characteristics of the thought of rule of virtue, and the development course of the thought of rule of virtue, from the angle of Marxism, the second part, the third chapter, the background condition of the thought of rule by virtue, the content and characteristic of the thought of rule by virtue, The third part is the fourth chapter, which is mainly on the premise of clarifying the inheritance and development relationship between the ancient thought of rule of virtue and the rule of virtue in the new period, the third part is the fourth chapter of the article, on the basis of which the author comments on the historical role of the thought of rule of virtue in ancient times. On the basis of expounding the present situation of morality in the socialist market economy system of China and the serious problems in the field of morality, the necessity of excavating the contemporary value of the ancient thought of rule of virtue in order to strengthen the construction of morality and advance the rule of virtue is obtained.


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