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发布时间:2018-04-02 00:27

  本文选题:约翰·密尔 切入点:社会改造思想 出处:《南京大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:约翰·斯图亚特·密尔是英国近代著名思想家,他的思想涉及政治、经济、伦理、逻辑、宗教等诸多领域,并且多有建树。他的《论自由》被认为是“至今关于个人自由的最经典论述”;他的《功利主义》发展和完善了边沁等人建立的功利主义伦理体系,将功利主义推向鼎盛;他的《逻辑学体系》试图推翻亚里士多德的演绎推理法,创立了逻辑学领域著名的“穆勒五法”。密尔的社会改造思想便在他对众多理论的研究中孕育而生。 密尔从小所受的教育使他异常关注现实问题,很早就将改造世界,为整个人类谋福利作为自己的人生目标。在密尔所处的时代,工业革命使英国走上了工业化的道路,促进了经济的飞速发展,也使英国的社会结构发生巨大的变化。资产阶级和无产阶级登上历史舞台,推动英国政治的多次变革,也促使各阶级之间的斗争不断涌现,社会内部的各种矛盾和斗争激化和暴露出来。密尔强烈的现实关怀使他在理论研究的同时,注重探寻解决社会问题的方案,而社会改造思想就是他为解决实际问题提出的药方。因此,密尔的社会改造思想是理论联系实际的产物,有着深刻的理论渊源。 功利主义是密尔社会改造思想的理论基础。功利主义强调将最大幸福原理当做道德基础的信条,认为行为的对错与它们增进幸福或造成不幸的倾向成正比。个人追求更高级的幸福就是要获得自我的发展和完善。而个人追求幸福必须与社会整体利益相一致,从而实现最大多数人的最大幸福,达到整个社会的进步。密尔的自由观关注的是社会自由,即探讨社会所能合法施用于个人的权利的性质和限度。密尔强调个人自由的重要性,将个性与发展等同,认为只有个性才能将人类自身带到他们所能做到的最好的东西,使个人和社会都能得到最大发展。如果说密尔的功利主义关注的是促进整个社会进步的最大多数人的最大幸福,那么密尔的自由主义思想则让他更加重视个人的自由发展。欧洲大陆的新政治、经济学说为密尔的社会改造思想注入新鲜的血液。通过对圣西门学派政治经济学的研究,密尔开始关心下层劳动阶级,关注社会的生产和分配,并且不断修正自己的政治经济学理论使之更加有利于解决实际问题;通过对托克维尔民主学说的学习与研究,密尔开始认识到民主制的优点和劣势,使他在后期代议制政府思想的构建中注意发挥民主制的优点,并且规避民主制下的诸多弊端;通过发展和完善孔德的实证主义学说,密尔深化了自己的进步观,将个人自由和社会进步放在同等重要的位置。 在理论研究的基础上,密尔结合实际问题,提出他的社会改造的理想蓝图。政治上实行代议制民主政治,立法、行政和司法各司其职,互不干涉,充分发挥各自的优势避免各自可能出现的危险,使参与原则和胜任原则得到完美的结合,突显民主制的优越性。为此,密尔分别探讨了代议制政府的议会如何改革和完善,政府干预的合理界限以及司法独立如何贯彻,以使代议制政府成为完善政府的最理想类型。经济上主张既实行合作制又保留竞争的经济制度。通过合伙经营既消除了传统的雇佣关系,又促进了社会财富的不断增长和人民生活水平的不断提高。而竞争则是当前必不可少的刺激物,激励劳动者发挥自己的长处,努力促进生产的发展。通过改良私有财产制度,使私有财产制度能够发挥自己应有的优势。通过把生产规律和分配规律加以区别,指出国家可以通过调节分配来改变社会资本的归属,促进整个社会的平等和进步。思想文化上重视旨在促进民众智识提高和道德改善的教育。密尔认为,人类的进步不仅仅意味着财富的增长,更重要的是民众智识的提高和道德观念的改善。而要实现广大民众智识的提高和道德观念的改善,唯一可依赖的就是教育,只有教育发生变革,人民的思想和道德观念才能发生普遍的更新,继而产生出适合社会发展的政治、经济和社会制度。 本文试图以个人发展和社会进步作为密尔社会改造思想的主线,以分析密尔社会改造思想的理论渊源为切入点,理清密尔思想发展的脉络,深入认识密尔社会改造思想产生的缘由和理论基础。继而重点论述密尔社会改造思想的一系列具体的方案,突出个人发展和社会进步在密尔社会改造思想中的地位。最后结合密尔所处的时代背景和密尔自身思想的演变简要评述密尔社会改造思想的性质和地位。希望通过对密尔社会改造思想系统的考察与分析,为我们呈现出一个更加清晰和完整的密尔形象。
[Abstract]:John Stuart Mil is a famous modern British thinker. His ideology involves politics, economy, ethics, logic, religion and other fields, and many achievements. His "theory of freedom > is considered" date on personal freedom of the most classic exposition "; his" utilitarianism "development and perfection of the utilitarianism ethics system established by Bentham et al that will push his utilitarianism peak; < > system of logic deduction trying to overthrow Aristotle, founded the field of logic the famous" Muller school ". He thought of the social transformation in his theory in many research on the breeding and health.
Mills have education made him very realistic concern, early will transform the world, the welfare of his life as the goal for the whole mankind. The era of the industrial revolution in Milwaukee, the British embarked on the road of industrialization, promote the rapid development of the economy, the social structure of Great Britain the change of the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The stage of history, to promote the many changes of British politics, but also promote the class struggle between the emerging, various contradictions and struggles within the society and the intensification of exposed. In reality made him strong concern in theoretical research, focusing on exploring solutions for social problems, and he is thinking of social transformation to solve the actual problems of prescription. Therefore, he thought of the social transformation is the result of theory and practice, has profound theoretical origin.
Utilitarianism is the theoretical basis in social transformation theory emphasizes the principle of utilitarianism. The greatest happiness as the moral foundation of the doctrine that the act is right or wrong and they increase happiness or cause the unfortunate tendency is proportional to the pursuit of personal happiness. More advanced is to achieve self development and perfection. And the individual pursuit of happiness must be consistent with the whole society of interest, so as to realize the greatest happiness of most people, to achieve the progress of the whole society. In view of freedom is concerned with social freedom, is to explore the nature and limits of society can applied to individual legal rights. He stressed the importance of individual freedom, individuality and development will be equal, that only can be human beings with personality to the best of what they can do, so that people and society could get the maximum development. If the mill's utilitarianism is concerned with promoting the whole The greatest happiness of social progress of most people, then the mill's liberal thoughts let him pay more attention to the free development of the individual. The new politics of Europe, the economic theory of social transformation and inject fresh blood to the mill thought. Through the study of Saint Simon School of political economy, he began to care about the lower class. Pay attention to the production and distribution of the society, and constantly revised his political economics theory to make it more conducive to solve practical problems; through the study and research of Tocqueville's democratic theory, he began to realize the democracy of the advantages and disadvantages, the advantages of democracy in his attention to play in the late construction idea of representative government, and to avoid many disadvantages of democracy; to develop and improve the theory of Comte's positivism, he deepens your view of progress, personal freedom and social Progress is placed in an equal position.
On the basis of theoretical research, in combination of the practical problems, put forward his ideal blueprint of social transformation. The implementation of the political democracy and political, legislative, administrative and judicial duties, mutual non-interference, give full play to their respective advantages to avoid the risk of each possible, the participation and the principle of equal principle of the perfect combination, highlight the superiority democracy. Therefore, he discussed the parliamentary representative government how to reform and perfect, reasonable boundaries of government intervention and how to carry out the judicial independence, in order to improve the most representative government become the ideal type of government. That not only to implement cooperation system and keep competitive economy. Through the partnership not only eliminates the traditional employment relationship, and promote the growth of social wealth and the improvement of people's life. The competition is an important stimulus, An incentive for workers to play to their strengths, efforts to promote the development of production. Through the improvement of the system of private property, the private property system to play advantage. The laws of production and distribution of distinction, pointed out that the state can be adjusted to change the distribution of social capital ownership, promote social equality and attach importance to ideological progress. The culture to promote public intellectual and moral education. To improve the improvement of mill thinks, human progress not only means the growth of wealth, more important is to improve the public intellectual and moral ideas to improve. In order to realize the general public to improve intellectual and moral improvement, only can rely on is education. Only education change, people's ideological and moral concepts to the general update, and for the social development of the political, economic and social system.
This paper attempts to personal development and social progress as the main line in social transformation theory, based on the theoretical origins analysis mill social transformation theory as the breakthrough point, clarify the development of mill line of thought, understanding in social transformation thought the reasons and theoretical basis. Then focuses on a series of specific programs in social reform ideas. Outstanding personal development and social progress in the social transformation in the mill. At last, combined with the status of ideological evolution briefly thought of the social transformation in the background of mill and mill own ideological nature and status. Through investigation and analysis of the mill's thinking of social transformation system, showing a more clear and complete mill the image for us.



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1 李宏图;;改革开放以来的西方思想史研究[J];史学月刊;2009年05期




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