本文选题:民意 + 公众意见 ; 参考:《天津社会科学》2017年02期
[Abstract]:Public opinion (public opinion) is a common concern of political science, sociology, communication and psychology, but different disciplines have their own interests, objectives and different research methods. In the study of traditional political science, it is an important tradition to pay attention to and study public opinion, in which public opinion is regarded as the starting point and cornerstone of democratic theory. The research of public opinion in modern politics has developed from the traditional research subject of politics to an independent research field, and has obtained the important characteristics of empirical research while being regarded as the normative research subject. Among them, the pluralistic definition of public opinion and distribution of public opinion constitute the most core problem area. In today's populist social atmosphere, which can be summed up as "public opinion first", the power of public opinion and its influence on the government and its decisions have reached its highest point. Public opinion should be placed under the discipline lens of political science to get a more comprehensive and objective examination and realize its political and social resource value under the view of governance rationality.
【作者单位】: 北京大学政府管理学院;北京大学政治发展与政府管理研究所;
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