本文选题:公民身份认同 + 公民社会 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2010年硕士论文
【摘要】: 改革开放三十年来,中国社会发生了翻天覆地的巨变,一个相对独立的公民社会正在中国迅速崛起,并且对中国的社会经济发展与民主政治产生着日益深刻的影响。在公民社会发展的过程中,对于公民身份的研究也呈现出自我更新与完善的生命力表现,实现公民身份认同对于公民社会的构建和发展也不断显现出其独特的功能。对于公民身份认同路径的探索使得人们更乐观地看到中国公民社会的良好前景以及今后经济发展、政治改革、文化建设与社会进步的凭借与希望。 本文以国家和社会关系的和谐发展为基准,在对大量文献资料总结和归纳的基础上,就公民个体发展对社会共同体的作用和意义进行探索和分析。在研究方法上,本文注重多种研究方法的结合,主要运用了文献分析法、比较分析法、逻辑推理法和历史分析法等研究方法,以求对问题的分析更加透彻和深刻。在结构框架上,本文分为以下四部分: 第一部分,阐释公民身份的一般理论内涵及公民身份认同的主要构成要素。在政治学概念家族中,公民身份可以说是新成员。从20世纪90年代开始,公民身份研究才作为一个新的研究领域而出现,自此,国内外学界便展开了一轮研究热潮,为公民身份的探索和发展注入动力。 第二部分,归纳总结公民身份认同的实现对我国公民社会发展的功能。以国家、社会和个人三者的关系为基础,探讨归纳在共同体的发展中如何更好的实现和维护公民个体的权利以及公民个体发展对社会共同体的推动作用,总结出实现公民身份认同对于当前我国公民社会发展的重要功能。 第三部分,分析我国在实现公民身份认同过程中的现实问题。公民身份毕竟属舶来词,无论是理论发展沿革还是实践发展历程主要还是借鉴国外经验。因此,要建设由中国特色的公民身份理论就必须结合我国的现实国情,透彻分析当前所存在的种种问题。这些现实问题中,既有经济发展水平和体制等硬性局限,也有传统文化与意识形态等软性影响。 第四部分,探析我国公民身份认同的实现路径。在对各类问题深入分析的基础上,借鉴西方国家在构建公民身份过程中的经验教训,结合我国公民个体发展的实际现状,对如何更好地实现公民身份认同进行思考与探索,并提出建设性的意见和切实可行的发展路径。 总之,公民社会已然成为当今时代各国社会发展的典范和选择,公民个体的发展和权益的保障是公民社会发展的一项重要内容和关键指标,公民身份的建设无疑将对我国公民社会的健康发展起到有效地推动和促进。而实现公民身份的认同,构建和谐的国家与社会关系并不是一朝一夕所能达到的目标,仍需要我们积极地探索和长期地努力。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up 30 years ago, the Chinese society has undergone tremendous changes, a relatively independent civil society is rising rapidly in China, and it has an increasingly profound impact on China's social and economic development and democratic politics. In the process of the development of civil society, the study of citizenship also presents the vitality performance of self-renewal and perfection, and the realization of citizenship identity also shows its unique function for the construction and development of civil society. The exploration of the path of citizenship identity makes people more optimistic about the good prospects of Chinese civil society and the future economic development, political reform, cultural construction and social progress. Based on the harmonious development of the state and social relations and on the basis of summarizing and summarizing a great deal of literature, this paper explores and analyzes the role and significance of the individual development of the citizen to the social community. In terms of research methods, this paper focuses on the combination of various research methods, mainly using the literature analysis method, comparative analysis method, logical reasoning method and historical analysis method, in order to analyze the problem more thoroughly and deeply. In the framework of structure, this paper is divided into the following four parts: The first part explains the general theoretical connotation of citizenship and the main elements of citizenship identity. In the concept of political science family, citizenship can be said to be a new member. Since 1990s, the study of citizenship has emerged as a new research field. Since then, the academic circles at home and abroad have launched a round of research upsurge, which injects impetus into the exploration and development of citizenship. The second part summarizes the function of the realization of citizenship identity on the development of civil society in China. On the basis of the relationship among country, society and individual, this paper discusses how to better realize and safeguard the rights of individual citizens and how to promote the development of individual citizens to the social community in the development of the community. Summarize the important function of realizing citizenship identity for the development of civil society in our country. The third part analyzes the practical problems in the process of realizing civil identity in China. After all, citizenship is a foreign word, whether it is the evolution of theory or practice or the experience of foreign countries. Therefore, in order to construct the theory of citizenship with Chinese characteristics, it is necessary to thoroughly analyze the existing problems according to the reality of our country. Among these practical problems, there are not only the rigid limits of economic development level and system, but also the soft influence of traditional culture and ideology. The fourth part, analyzes the realization path of our country's citizenship identity. On the basis of deep analysis of all kinds of problems, drawing lessons from the experience of western countries in the process of constructing citizenship, combining with the actual situation of the individual development of Chinese citizens, the author thinks and explores how to better realize the identity of citizens. And put forward constructive suggestions and practical development path. In short, civil society has become the model and choice of social development in various countries. The development of individual citizens and the protection of their rights and interests are an important content and key indicators of the development of civil society. The construction of citizenship will undoubtedly promote and promote the healthy development of civil society in China. To realize the identity of citizenship and to build a harmonious relationship between the state and the society is not a goal that can be achieved overnight. We still need to actively explore and work hard for a long time.
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