本文选题:中国传统义利观 + 西方传统义利观 ; 参考:《内蒙古大学》2012年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the existence and development of private property, the concept of justice and profit also emerged one after another. Since the moment when the concept of justice and profit came into being, the debate on the issue of righteousness and benefit has not stopped. Under the guidance of Confucian cultural thought, ancient China produced the Confucian view of righteousness and profit, which became the mainstream of the ancient Chinese view of righteousness and profit through the baptism of the times. The thought is beyond time and space. While the Chinese thinkers are discussing the issue of righteousness and interest warmly, the West, led by ancient Greece, has also begun the debate of righteousness and profit in the West, from the view of ethical wealth to utilitarianism, and has evolved over the centuries. Established the ancient western view of justice and interests, "emphasizing profit over righteousness". By exploring the background, historical conditions, development process, influence and result of the concept of justice and profit in China and the West, this paper analyzes the differences between them, compares their differences, and probes into the politics. Economy and other aspects explain the causes of different views on justice and profit, and analyze the role and influence of different views of justice and interest in China and the West on economic and social development. Then we consider justice and interest as leverage, discuss the different views of justice and interest in China and the West, and demonstrate the importance of the relationship between them, and try to analyze, summarize and refine them by dialectical methods. This study has important theoretical and practical significance for the development of socialist market economy and the construction of harmonious society.
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