[Abstract]:Based on the theory of civil society, this paper reviews the formation and development history of civil society in Taiwan, in order to explore the expansion of civil society function in Taiwan and its role in promoting democracy in Taiwan. Taiwan's civil society has gone through different stages of development. The expansion of its function marks the development of civil society. After the 1970s, a series of social movements broke down the restrictions of the "authoritarian system". Taiwan's civil society has grown rapidly and gradually developed in the direction of social organization. The function of civil society has gradually expanded from a single social movement to a pluralistic system of social initiatives and supervision, providing public welfare services, participating in social public management, and carrying out social education. The expansion of the above functions of civil society is of great significance-to make civil society an independent social force and to promote the development of Taiwan's democratic politics. At present, the development of civil society in Taiwan is still in a transitional period. With the establishment of a large number of civic organizations, some problems have emerged, such as improper or illegal acts carried out by enterprises in the name of civic organizations. Civic organizations are at risk of becoming a conduit for corporate tax evasion and for politicians to channel campaign contributions. These problems also pose a challenge to the development of civil society.
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