[Abstract]:In the past hundred years of the development of public administration, especially in Western countries, the value orientation of public administration has been evolving with the development of history. On the basis of reflections on the value orientation of public administration such as efficiency and economy, social equity and the special professional group of administrative personnel, this paper points out that In modern public administration, especially when we are trying to construct a service-oriented government, responsibility is a value orientation of "pre-existence". Under the guidance of this value orientation, the process of administrative personnel assuming responsibility is no longer an external burden, but an internal mission.
The intrinsic mechanism of the conflict of responsibility lies in the freedom of will and behavior of the administrative personnel.The behavior conforming to the norms made on the basis of different behavior tendencies should be responsible behavior,which is very difficult for the administrative actors to realize. In order to realize the responsible administrative behavior in the conflict of responsibilities of administrative personnel, we should combine the institutionalized approach with people's moral beliefs. Whether this approach can be realized or not depends on the administrative personnel's moral consciousness.
In the governance system of the whole industrial society, the administrative personnel are usually in a passive controlled state, while the service-oriented social governance model not only negates the Management-oriented Social Governance Model as a way to expel the autonomous personality of the administrative personnel, but also requires the administrative personnel to have the autonomous personality, and fully in the design of the social system. The administrative personnel are confronted with the objectives of the organization, the anomie of organizational norms, the pressure of collective interests and values, and the lack and weakness of laws and systems in safeguarding individual autonomous personality, which makes it impossible for the administrative personnel to identify their own scope of responsibility. In order to take independent thinking and independent action as an obligation to undertake, we need to have a higher demand on ourselves, that is, in public administration activities, to have full consciousness of their own independent judgment and independent action, to carry out orders, comply with discipline and according to law with their own independent thinking and independent behavior organic unity, and upgrade it to His personality. In the life of public administration organizations, he is not afraid of power, dare to do his duty, go beyond blind obedience and dependence, and always take on the professional mission of public administration and respond to the service expectation of the public administration object according to the requirements of the professional nature of public administration and the personal consciousness and independent personality of administrators to overcome difficulties and solve problems.
The subjective choice of the administrative personnel is based on his clear awareness of the administrative and legal responsibilities he should undertake. As long as the administrative personnel have the moral awareness of taking the responsibility initiatively, they can always find out where their responsibilities lie. The way of assuming responsibility is totally different. The administrative personnel consciously and actively transform the objective legal responsibility and administrative responsibility into their own moral beliefs, and become a subjective moral responsibility, as the internal driving force of their actions, so that they have a higher goal of responsibility in the administrative activities to achieve responsibility.
Moral responsibility is the conscious responsibility of administrative personnel based on legal responsibility and administrative responsibility. Through the process of subjectivism, we integrate the institutionalized approach to the realization of responsibility with the moral beliefs of administrative personnel. Obviously, there is a conflict between the various factors, and we put these conflicting factors together. Providing guidance for administrators, on the one hand, can prevent the departmental interests of the organization, normative anomie, rigid operation and hierarchical autocracy, on the other hand, can also prevent the degeneration and corruption of administrators, blind dependence, arbitrary and lack of sense of mission. On the one hand, administrators transform legal responsibility and administrative responsibility into their internal moral beliefs; on the other hand, they transform legal responsibility and administrative responsibility into moral responsibility through the process of subjectivism; on the other hand, administrators transform moral responsibility into the internal driving force of their actions and make them have higher responsibilities. Goal pursuit.
Responsible administration is a kind of behavioral state of administrative personnel in public administrative activities.Responsibility, as a kind of value orientation of prior nature, guides administrative personnel to make efficient and social fair and just administrative acts.This kind of administrative acts is the internal mission of surpassing external burdens, is an administrative act surpassing blind obedience and dependence, and is responsible. However, we must admit that the responsible administration and its realization ways discussed in this paper can not be realized independently by certain specific administrative organizations. These ways involve a wide range of actors, so a lot of work needs the joint cooperation of human, material resources, policies, regulations and other resources inside and outside the organization. The study of responsible administration is of special significance to the construction of the responsibility system of our service-oriented government, so it is not only the task of the theoretical circle of public administration, but also the task of the practical circle of public administration.
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