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发布时间:2018-08-26 11:46
【摘要】: 自一九九一年苏共垮台以来,我国理论界对苏共垮台的原因及其教训进行了广泛、深入的研究,在意识形态方面和思想政治教育方面的研究,也可谓不少。然而,从比较研究的视角开展对中苏政治教育的深入、系统的研究并不多见。 曾经的庞然大物苏联早已灰飞烟灭,其政治教育的失误和教训是什么时候?今天的我国日益发展强盛,其政治教育的成功和经验是什么?当然,在政治教育上,苏联也有成功和经验,我国也有失误和教训。比较研究二者,以他国为镜,以历史为镜,对我党我国意义重大。我这篇博士学位论文《中苏政治教育比较研究》,对这一课题进行了比较全面的研究,特别对揭示影响政治教育发展进程的重要因素进行比较全面的研究,对于加强改进创新我们党从革命党转变为执政党之后的政治教育,具有重要的理论价值和实践意义,主要表现在以下三个方面:第一,中苏政治教育的比较研究是探索党的政治教育规律的重要思路;第二,中苏政治教育的比较研究是深入探讨现实中党的政治教育问题的一个重要途径;第三,中苏政治教育的比较研究有利于我们在复杂的国际国内形势面前作出正确的选择。 论文分为三大部分:第一部分是导论,主要论述中苏政治教育比较研究的意义、内容与方法;同时交代了本文的突破点与难点。作为文章的主体部分,第二部分则是对制约中苏政治教育的两类问题三个方面因素的发展及其异同,通过政治教育主体与客体关系中“阶层隔离”现象的中苏对比,通过对政治教育与行政权力纠葛的矛盾分析,从空想到现实的政治教育目标的转向依次展开论述。之所以按照这样的顺序来安排文章的论述,主要是根据中苏政治教育的历史发展中三个相互联系的具体要素,即第一教育主体与客体,第二教育内容、手段与方法,第三教育目标与任务的辩证发展及所表现出的主要差别、特征出发,用“是谁”、“怎么样”与“为了谁”各一章的格式。第三部分是文章的结尾部分“结语与启示”,对全文所论述中苏政治教育的历史经验教训提出四点思考与政策性建议。 论文坚持以马克思主义为指导,运用历史与逻辑相统一的研究方法,比较研究的方法,对苏共的政治教育进行了深入剖析,试图从苏联的政治教育失误中破解苏共垮台之谜,从中苏政治教育的比较研究中探索中国党的政治教育的基本规律,为中国党的政治教育实践提供借鉴,行文论证中颇有如履薄冰之感,进行的是一种探索性研究。 论文从中苏政治教育特征出发,对中苏政治教育进行了比较深入的探讨与综合性阐述,在以下方面体现了一定的创新性: 第一,论文选题新。二十年来,中共与苏共政治教育的比较研究在学界还没有见到。资料的获得十分困难,话题的敏感前所未有,因而本文进行的比较研究,弥补了国内学术界的空白,为目前政治教育提供了可供借鉴的思路; 第二,论文资料新。本文吸收了苏联历史研究的最新成果,查阅了大量俄文期刊文章、历史文献与档案资料,特别对国内尚未介绍的列宁临终政治遗嘱及其思想转变,对苏联工业化、全面集体化与大清洗等重大历史事件进程中社会各阶层政治情绪演变查阅大量第一手原始资料,作了细致、深入、全面的考察。这种努力在本文中都有体现; 第三,论文观点新。以大量最新历史资料的阐述分析为历史支撑,本文在理论上进行新思考与新总结,提出这样的观点:认为苏联社会主义国家制度解体中,苏联民众是不能够发挥第一作用的,但其作用又不可或缺,苏共执政阶层中部分人他们是能够发挥第一作用的,然而起决定作用的是它们二者相互作用后的合力与阶层隔离;认为苏共政治教育的一个重要特点,就是与国家行政手段的紧密结合,导致民主化要素在政治教育手段上缺失;认为“苏联新人”的培养目标之所以未能实现,根本原因在于这一目标本身的空想性造成了国家发展目标与个体发展目标的对立与分离:认为政治教育必须以教育客体为中心等;
[Abstract]:Since the collapse of the Soviet Communist Party in 1991, the theoretical circles in China have carried out extensive and in-depth studies on the causes and lessons of the collapse of the Soviet Communist Party. There are also many studies on ideology and ideological and political education.
What are the mistakes and lessons of the political education of the former giant Soviet Union, which has long been extinguished? What are the successes and experiences of political education in China today? Of course, in political education, the Soviet Union also has successes and experiences, and China has mistakes and lessons. It is of great significance to our Party and our country. In this dissertation, a comparative study of political education between China and the Soviet Union, I made a comparatively comprehensive study of this subject, especially on revealing the important factors affecting the development of political education, and on strengthening and innovating the transformation of our Party from a revolutionary party to a ruling party. Political education has important theoretical value and practical significance, mainly in the following three aspects: first, the comparative study of political education between China and the Soviet Union is an important way to explore the laws of political education of the Party; second, the comparative study of political education between China and the Soviet Union is an important way to probe into the problems of political education of the Party in reality. Third, the comparative study of political education between China and the Soviet Union is conducive to making correct choices in the face of complicated international and domestic situations.
The thesis is divided into three parts: the first part is an introduction, mainly discussing the significance, content and method of the comparative study of political education between China and the Soviet Union; at the same time, explaining the breakthrough point and difficulty of this article. The contrast between China and the Soviet Union on the phenomenon of "class segregation" in the relationship between the subject and the object of governance education, through the analysis of the contradiction between political education and administrative power, this paper expounds in turn from the dream to the reality of political education. The three interrelated concrete elements in the exhibition are the first education subject and object, the second education content, means and methods, the dialectical development of the third education goal and task and the main differences shown. The third part is the conclusion of the article. The conclusion and Enlightenment put forward four thoughts and policy suggestions on the historical experience and lessons of Sino-Soviet political education.
The thesis insists on taking Marxism as the guidance, using the method of unification of history and logic and comparative study, makes a thorough analysis of the political education of the Soviet Communist Party, tries to solve the mystery of the collapse of the Soviet Communist Party from the mistakes in the political education of the Soviet Union, and explores the basic rules of the political education of the Chinese Party from the comparative study of the political education of the Soviet Union. Law, for the Chinese party's political education practice to provide a reference, writing reasoning is quite like walking on thin ice, is an exploratory study.
Starting from the characteristics of political education in the Soviet Union, this paper makes a thorough discussion and comprehensive exposition of political education in the Soviet Union, which embodies certain innovation in the following aspects:
In the past 20 years, the comparative study of political education between the Communist Party of China and the Soviet Union has not been seen in the academic circles.
This article has absorbed the latest achievements of the Soviet Union's historical research, consulted a large number of Russian periodical articles, historical documents and archives, especially on Lenin's dying political will and its ideological transformation which has not been introduced in China, the industrialization of the Soviet Union, the overall collectivization and the Great Purge of major historical events in the process of all walks of life. The evolution of political sentiment has been examined carefully, thoroughly and comprehensively by consulting a large number of first-hand raw materials.
Thirdly, the thesis has a new point of view. With the elaboration and analysis of a large number of the latest historical data as the historical support, this paper makes a new thinking and summary in theory and puts forward such a view: the people of the Soviet Union can not play the first role in the disintegration of the Soviet socialist state system, but its role is indispensable, some of the ruling class of the Communist Party of Soviet Union. They are able to play the first role, but the decisive role is the resultant force and class isolation after the interaction between them; think that an important feature of the political education of the Soviet Communist Party is the close combination with the state administrative means, leading to the lack of democratic elements in the means of political education; think that the "new Soviet Union" training. The fundamental reason why the goal can not be achieved lies in the fact that the utopianism of the goal itself causes the opposition and separation between the national development goal and the individual development goal.


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