[Abstract]:National equality is the basic principle of Marx and Engels' treatment of ethnic problems. Marx and Engels' theory of national equality was based on the profound social and historical background at that time and critically inherited bourgeois national equality and utopian socialist equality. In combination with the practice of the proletarian revolution and the national liberation movement, its founding process has undergone three periods, namely, germination, establishment and development, deepening and perfecting, after nearly half a century of practice and exploration. Marx and Engels thought of national equality formed a perfect scientific theoretical system with rich contents. Marx and Engels, on the basis of insisting on the equality of all ethnic groups, revealed the essence of national equality, analyzed the root causes of ethnic inequality, pointed out the path to national equality, and analyzed the relationship between national equality and the proletarian revolution. It clarifies the significance of national equality. Marx and Engels' theory of national equality still has a strong vitality in the contemporary era, which is of great value to the construction of a harmonious socialist society in China, to the promotion of national equality in the world and to the promotion of national harmony in the world.
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