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发布时间:2018-09-04 09:03
【摘要】:公共行政末端冲突管理是当前我国政府社会管理的重要方面,影响整个社会稳定和谐。正确认识和处理公共行政末端冲突,对于构建和谐的官民关系、减少社会摩擦和动荡,维护社会和谐具有重要的理论和现实意义。现有冲突问题的阐释,对研究当前我国公共行政末端冲突具有重要的借鉴意义,但在针对性、具体性上有所欠缺,需要结合我国现阶段行政管理过程中存在的实际问题加以研究。 本文针对行政活动过程中的矛盾和问题,以行政末端冲突双方——行政末端权力主体和行政末端关系主体为主线,运用冲突理论认识行政末端冲突、剖析冲突发生机理。同时以委托——代理理论分析行政末端主体间关系,以治理理论为基础,阐释行政末端主体双方联合行动的可能性。本文在对现有相关研究成果梳理的基础上,详细探讨了当前我国公共行政末端冲突的表现形式、成因及调适路径。具体有以下几个方面: 首先,阐释了行政末端冲突相关概念及理论依据。行政末端兼具静态与动态双重属性,本文主要是以动态的行政末端活动为研究对象,将行政末端视为行政活动的最后环节。包括行政末端权力主体、行政末端关系主体和行政活动的最终结果,并以冲突理论、委托——代理理论、治理理论分析了主体双方的关系。 其次,概述了行政末端冲突的表现及成因。文章从冲突破坏性出发说明当前我国行政末端冲突主要表现在行政末端主体间的口角、拳斗、诉讼及大规模群体性事件。从行政末端冲突的生成条件(环境因素、制度因素、社会组织因素)、行政末端权力主体和行政末端关系主体三个方面阐释了冲突发生的影响因素,并做了理论性分析和思考。 最后,提出了行政末端冲突的调适路径。从行政末端权力主体的责任控制和组织建设两方面来完善行政末端权力主体;从行政末端关系主体的生成和成长要素中寻求行政末端关系主体的建设路径;以完善信息公开机制、利益整合机制、冲突预警应对机制为契机强化制度建设,实现双方合作治理,进而形成行政末端冲突调适的完整路径。 总之,公共行政末端冲突研究是一项系统工程。对行政末端冲突理论和现实的研究都具有重要意义。
[Abstract]:Conflict management at the end of public administration is an important aspect of our government's social management, which affects the stability and harmony of the whole society. Correct understanding and handling of the conflict at the end of public administration is of great theoretical and practical significance for building a harmonious relationship between officials and people, reducing social friction and turbulence, and maintaining social harmony. Interpretation is of great significance to the study of the current end-conflict of public administration in China, but it is lack of pertinence and concreteness. It needs to be studied in the light of the actual problems existing in the current administrative process in China.
In view of the contradictions and problems in the process of administrative activities, this paper takes the two sides of the administrative end Conflict-The administrative end power subject and the administrative end relationship subject as the main line, uses the conflict theory to understand the administrative end conflict, and analyzes the mechanism of the conflict. On the basis of combing the existing relevant research results, this paper discusses in detail the manifestations, causes and adjustment paths of the current end-of-public administration conflicts in China.
First of all, it explains the related concepts and theoretical basis of the administrative end conflict. The administrative end has both static and dynamic attributes. This paper mainly studies the dynamic administrative end activities and regards the administrative end as the final link of the administrative activities. As a result, conflict theory, principal-agent theory and governance theory are used to analyze the relationship between the two sides.
Secondly, this paper summarizes the manifestations and causes of the administrative end conflict. starting from the destructiveness of the conflict, the article explains that the current administrative end conflict in our country is mainly manifested in the quarrel between the main bodies of the administrative end, boxing, litigation and mass incidents. This paper expounds the influencing factors of conflicts from three aspects: the subject of power and the subject of relationship between administrative ends, and makes theoretical analysis and reflection.
Finally, the paper puts forward the ways to adjust the conflicts between the administrative end and the administrative end.It perfects the administrative end power subject from the responsibility control and organization construction of the administrative end power subject.It seeks the construction path of the administrative end relationship subject from the generation and growth factors of the administrative end relationship subject. The system and the early warning and response mechanism of conflicts are the opportunity to strengthen the system construction and realize the cooperative governance of both sides, thus forming a complete path of conflict adjustment at the administrative end.
In a word, the study of the end-conflict of public administration is a systematic project, which is of great significance to the study of the theory and reality of the end-conflict of administration.


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