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发布时间:2018-10-04 19:42
【摘要】:“生态型政府”是当代政府为自觉适应环境和生态变化而进行创新和发展的新理念。在政治文明现代发展的背景下,结合我国的当前现状,分析生态型政府的构建,力求在此基础上创新出一套较为完整的具有可操作性的政府生态管理新机制,以期为政府工作者在今后的管理实践中,全面把握和不断开创政府工作新局面提供宏观理论驾驭和微观操作模式上的指导。 本文共分四个部分: 第一部分是引言,主要介绍生态型政府的选题背景、选题意义、研究方法、国内外研究的现状以及本文的研究视角。 第二部分从生态型政府的提出入手,在研究与发展行政生态学理论中提出生态型政府,应对与解决日益严峻的生态环境问题需要生态型政府,营造顺应和代表政府的新型理念促成生态型政府。进而界定了生态型政府的含义,从现代生态学对生态涵义的理解出发,重点分析了黄爱宝教授给生态型政府下的定义,最后研究与总结了生态型政府的价值指向,即生态型政府是“生态优先”的责任型政府,“生态善治”的服务型政府。 第三部分进一步分析了政治文明现代发展与生态型政府构建的理性呼应。通过分析政治文明的基本含义,主要特征,政治文明现代发展的主要表现和基本要求,进一步明确政治文明现代发展呼唤生态型政府新理念的营造,同时生态型政府的构建又标示着政治文明发展到新的境界。 第四部分首先分析了构建生态型政府的必要性,即政府自身发展的需要,化解生态危机的需要,生态政治运动不断兴起的需要,促进生态经济模式发展的需要,实现政府生态管理职能创新的需要,进一步分析了构建生态型政府过程中的障碍因素,包括政府生态管理理念缺失,行政成本过高;政府生态职能尚未转变,环保政务透明度不够;政府管理部门条块分割,环境政策制定缺乏整体性和连贯性;政府生态管理的思维和能力准备不足。最后提出构建生态型政府的路径选择,即明确和变革政府管理理念,强化政府生态意识;转变政府职能,提高政府生态行政服务能力;落实政府部门责任制,确保政府生态管理科学化;建立新型政府管理体制和机制,完善政府组织体系。
[Abstract]:Ecological government is a new idea of innovation and development of contemporary government in order to adapt to environment and ecological change. Under the background of the modern development of political civilization, combined with the current situation of our country, this paper analyzes the construction of ecological government, and tries to innovate a set of relatively complete and operable new mechanism of government ecological management on this basis. In order to provide the guidance of macro theory control and micro operation mode for government workers to grasp and create a new situation of government work in the future management practice. This paper is divided into four parts: the first part is the introduction, mainly introduces the background, significance, research methods, domestic and foreign research status and research perspective of ecological government. The second part starts with the proposal of ecological government, puts forward ecological government in the research and development of the theory of administrative ecology, and needs ecological government to deal with and solve the increasingly serious ecological environmental problems. To create a new concept that conforms to and represents the government to promote ecological government. Then it defines the meaning of ecological government, starting from the understanding of ecological meaning in modern ecology, focusing on the analysis of Professor Huang Aibao's definition of ecological government, and finally studies and summarizes the value direction of ecological government. Ecological government is a responsible government with ecological priority and a service-oriented government with good ecological governance. The third part further analyzes the rational echo between the modern development of political civilization and the construction of ecological government. By analyzing the basic meaning, main characteristics, main performance and basic requirements of the modern development of political civilization, it is further clear that the modern development of political civilization calls for the creation of a new concept of ecological government. At the same time, the construction of ecological government marks the development of political civilization to a new state. The fourth part analyzes the necessity of constructing ecological government, that is, the need of government's own development, the need of resolving ecological crisis, the need of rising ecological political movement, and the need of promoting the development of ecological economy model. In order to realize the innovation of the government's ecological management function, the author further analyzes the obstacle factors in the process of constructing the ecological government, including the lack of the concept of government's ecological management, the high administrative cost, the unchanging of the government's ecological function, The transparency of environmental protection government is not enough; the administrative departments of government are divided, the environmental policy making lacks of integrity and consistency, and the thinking and ability of government ecological management are not prepared enough. Finally, the paper puts forward the path choice of constructing ecological government, that is, defining and reforming the government management idea, strengthening the government ecological consciousness, transforming the government function, improving the government's ecological administrative service ability, implementing the responsibility system of the government. To ensure the scientific government ecological management, to establish a new government management system and mechanism, and to perfect the government organization system.


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