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发布时间:2018-10-05 14:52
【摘要】:在改革开放和社会转型期,各种政策能否得到预期的效果关键看政策能否得到有效地执行。公共政策有效执行与否直接影响我国改革开放既得成就的巩固和改革开放的深化。政策执行是一个过程,它是在复杂的社会环境中完成的,受到诸多不确定因素(包括消极因素)的影响和制约。这些消极因素对公共政策执行产生侵扰,引发公共政策执行变异的产生,从而使公共政策执行发生“梗阻”和“再生性梗阻”,影响公共政策的效果。在公共政策执行过程中以及公共政策执行任务完成之后,要根据政策执行信息反馈对原政策方案进行必要的补充或修正,完成政策的再决策,进入下一轮的政策执行。因此,公共政策执行梗阻并非一次性形成和一次性症解的,公共政策的执行是一个反复博弈和修正的过程,即,决策——执行——梗阻——症解——再决策——再执行——再生性梗阻——症解。政策执行再生性梗阻的产生既有公共政策本身的原因,也有政策执行主体、客体和政策执行环境等方面的原因。 鉴于公共政策执行对于社会发展、政治建设和经济建设的重要性及其在实践中存在偏差、变异,本文采用系统论分析的方法,从政策本身、政策执行主体、政策执行客体和政策执行环境等方面对公共政策执行认知的再生性梗阻和落实的再生性梗阻现象的主要环节进行归纳总结,探究其成因,寻求其症解的“良剂”,以期为我国新时期公共政策的有效执行提供一些参考和借鉴。论文由五部分组成。 第一部分是绪论,简单介绍论文的研究目的、意义、方法及创新之处。 第二部分是我国公共政策执行再生性梗阻概述。首先界定论文写作相关的概念,介绍公共政策执行的相关理论,接着分析公共政策执行再生性梗阻的特点、表现和主要环节。 第三部分利用系统分析法对公共政策执行再生性梗阻的原因进行探析。分别从政策本身、政策执行主体、政策执行客体和政策执行环境等几方面分析产生公共政策执行再生性梗阻的原因。 第四部分从“防”、“治”结合的理念出发,从两个方面提出对公共政策执行再生性梗阻这一“顽疾”进行“症解”——政策执行前的“防”,即提升政策自身的质量,提高政策执行主体的素质和完善政策执行体制;政策执行中的“治”,即优化政策执行环境、改进政策执行方式,大力推广实行大部制和健全政策执行监督制度。 文章最后是结论部分,对文章进行总结并提出研究的不足和展望。
[Abstract]:In the period of reform and opening up and social transformation, whether various policies can get the expected effect or not depends on whether the policies can be effectively carried out. The effective implementation of public policy has a direct impact on the consolidation of China's achievements in reform and opening up and the deepening of reform and opening up. Policy implementation is a process, which is completed in a complex social environment and influenced and restricted by many uncertain factors (including negative factors). These negative factors intrude upon the implementation of public policy and cause the variation of public policy implementation, thus causing "obstruction" and "regenerative obstruction" in the implementation of public policy, thus affecting the effect of public policy. In the process of public policy implementation and after the completion of public policy implementation task, it is necessary to supplement or revise the original policy scheme according to the policy implementation information feedback, to complete the policy re-decision, and to enter the next round of policy implementation. Therefore, public policy execution obstruction is not a one-off and one-off solution. The implementation of public policy is a process of repeated game and correction, that is, Decision-executive-obstruction The rebirth obstruction of policy execution is caused by the reasons of public policy itself, as well as by the subject, object and environment of policy implementation. In view of the importance of public policy implementation to social development, political construction and economic construction and its deviation and variation in practice, this paper adopts the method of system theory analysis, from the policy itself, the main body of policy implementation, From the aspects of the object of policy execution and the environment of policy implementation, the paper summarizes the main links of the phenomenon of public policy executive cognition and the phenomenon of implementation of the phenomenon of regenerative obstruction, explores the causes of its formation, and seeks for the "good agent" for its solution. In order to provide some reference and reference for the effective implementation of public policy in the new period of our country. The paper consists of five parts. The first part is the introduction, briefly introduces the purpose, significance, method and innovation of the paper. The second part is the overview of public policy implementation regenerative obstruction in China. Firstly, it defines the related concepts of the thesis writing, introduces the relevant theories of public policy execution, and then analyzes the characteristics, manifestations and main links of the obstruction of public policy implementation. The third part analyzes the causes of the obstruction of public policy implementation by system analysis. This paper analyzes the reasons for the rebirth obstruction of public policy execution from the aspects of policy itself, policy execution subject, policy execution object and policy execution environment. The fourth part, starting from the concept of "prevention" and "governance", puts forward the "symptomatic solution" to the "persistent disease" of the rebirth obstruction of public policy implementation, that is, to improve the quality of the policy itself, that is, to improve the quality of the policy itself, that is, to carry out the "prevention" before the implementation of the policy. To improve the quality of the policy executive body and improve the policy execution system, the "governance" in the policy implementation is to optimize the policy implementation environment, to improve the policy implementation mode, to vigorously promote the implementation of the large-scale system and to improve the policy implementation supervision system. The last part of the article is the conclusion, and put forward the deficiency and prospect of the research.


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