[Abstract]:Confucius was a great thinker, politician and educator in the Spring and Autumn period of China. He founded the political thought with benevolence as the core, influenced the ancient Chinese political system, and became the core of the political thought of Chinese dynasties, which was a great spiritual wealth to China and even the whole world. Confucius founded the political thought with benevolence as the core, highlighting the role of morality in the political rule, that is to say, to enrich the propriety with benevolence. As for the relationship between propriety and benevolence, Confucius believed that benevolence is the inner spirit of propriety, propriety is the form of expression of benevolence, benevolence is the highest realm of propriety, and propriety is the way to realize benevolence. In Confucius' thought system, the combination of benevolence and propriety was emphasized, and the combination of humanity and politics was paid attention to. Benevolence is the content, ceremony is the form, the combination of the two is the perfection of a system. Confucian thought, represented by Confucius, has been in China for 2500 years, and still maintains the vitality of its thought. It has become the basic norm of people's thought and the basic criterion of behavior. This paper fully analyzes the essential relation between ethics and politics in Confucius' political view, how to promote the development and progress of social spiritual civilization, how to standardize the perfection of social political order and system, and the application of Marxist thought. Mao Zedong thought and Deng Xiaoping's theory, under the guidance of the scientific development view, combined with the historical background and the realistic society, explained the close relation and realistic significance between the main contents of Confucius' political view and the present society. And the political view of Confucius in real life has been further sublimated. This paper first expounds the background of the formation of Confucius thought, analyzes the political background and cultural background of the time in which Confucius lived. Secondly, this paper elaborates the basic essentials of Confucius' political view from the five aspects of correct name, the people as the foundation of the state, the rule of virtue, the meritocracy and the ideal of Datong. Finally, from the perspective of correct name and social order, the thesis expounds the basic essentials of Confucius' political view. This paper analyzes in detail the modern significance of Confucius' political view from five aspects: the concern of the people for the state and the people's livelihood, the tradition of rule by virtue and the construction of modern morality, the selection of talents and the harmonious consciousness and the construction of a harmonious society. Confucius' political thought is the product of the specific historical period of the Chinese nation, which has a profound influence on the mode of thinking and social development of the Chinese nation. His thoughts of rule by virtue, benevolence, harmony and the people are of positive practical significance to the contemporary society. It is the need of constructing harmonious society and realizing humanism, and it is also the theoretical need to realize the development of social discipline and the construction of sociology. Therefore, I study the subject of the time and value.
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