[Abstract]:The emergence of contemporary American neoliberal political philosophy, represented by Rawls, Nozick and Dworkin, is the continuation of the cause of enlightening political narration on the basis of criticizing and inheriting the traditional theory of liberalism. It is also a theoretical response to the rise and fall of the American civil rights movement and the western welfare state. Rawls' theory of justice, from the theory of justice to the theory of political liberalism and to the new theory of justice as fairness, embodies the transformation from social justice to political justice in the face of the fact of rational pluralism. It also reflects the theoretical pursuit of solving the real inequality based on freedom. Nozick's anarchy, State and Utopia, through the elaboration of the origin, function, and ideal state of the state, the moral marginal constraint of individual rights, the holding of justice against all forms of distributive justice, To embody the principle of equality based on individual rights. Dworkin coordinates the relationship between equality and freedom through the principle of abstract equality and takes the theory of equality of resources as the way to solve the inequality in reality. In contemporary American neoliberalism, the three men reflect their uniqueness in the theoretical basis of individualism, the choice of political value and the design of political ideal and system. The controversy with communitarianism and neoconservatism shows the common features of contemporary American neoliberalism.
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