[Abstract]:Value pluralism and liberalism are two important themes in the field of contemporary political philosophy and moral philosophy. On the one hand, he insists on the idea of value pluralism, that there are many different ultimate values in the world of human life, that there are often inaccessible and potentially serious conflicts between each other, and that, on the other hand, as a liberal, He firmly believes that among the various values of mankind, the value of freedom is essential to the realization of other values of life and has priority, which is manifested in his approval of "negative freedom". However, there is a tension between value pluralism and liberalism, and many questions arise: is the universal requirement of liberalism necessarily excluded by value pluralism? Is value pluralism a testament to or opposition to liberalism? What is the relationship between value pluralism and liberalism? This paper will discuss this problem. First of all, we will analyze the attempt to combine value pluralism with liberalism in Berlin's thought, and focus on the concept of value pluralism; however, as one of the main interpreters of Berlin's thought, John Gray objected to such attempts, arguing that the particularity of value pluralism necessitated the rejection of the universal demands of liberalism, which was not a rational consensus on the best life and the political system to achieve it. It is a kind of "expediency" between different regimes and ways of life; Charles Lamar believes that liberalism is based on reasonable differences rather than value pluralism, and that value pluralism is a very controversial doctrine. There is no justification for liberalism; George Crowder criticizes these two theories that separate the relationship between value pluralism and liberalism, and he argues in three ways. Insisting on value pluralism itself contains a kind of powerful and unique defense to liberalism and advocates pluralism liberalism, which is a stronger form of liberalism, universal and perfect. Its core is personal self-discipline, and ultimately points to positive freedom. As a result, Claude's answer returned to Berlin's initial attempt, but it was different.
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