[Abstract]:As part of human knowledge system, social science is not only the product of the development of modern civilization, but also the basic force of constructing modern civilization. Therefore, the modernization of any country can not be separated from the establishment and development of social science. Although the development of social science is becoming more and more scientific, its innate mission has not changed: to construct, serve and promote the progress and development of society. This is the vitality of social science, and it is an indispensable prerequisite for the development of any country. The knowledge system of modern social science includes politics from the beginning. This is not only because politics is a traditional knowledge, but also because modern civilization is developed based on the reconstruction of society and country. Modern political science is a part of the knowledge system of modern social science as "the science of the country". Therefore, it is its internal mission and responsibility to serve the construction and growth of the modern country. Although there is no data to prove that the development of modern political science will directly determine the construction and development of the modern country, it is certain that without the effective development of political science, the construction of the country will be faced with problems. China's reform
【作者单位】: 复旦大学;
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