[Abstract]:Service-oriented government is both a historical category and a modern concept. The construction of service-oriented government is not only a question of administrative system reform, but also a profound political system reform. It is also a question of how the government can achieve good governance and how the people can be the real masters of their own affairs. The people are the masters of the country and the power of the government is conferred by the people. The people's government serves the people wholeheartedly, earnestly seeks happiness for the people, and works in the interests of the people down-to-earth is a natural duty and sacred duty. Service-oriented government refers to the government with the aim of serving the people under the framework of democracy and legal system, implementing the concept of service in administration according to law, highlighting the public service function and assuming the service responsibility. Such a government should be people-oriented government, open and transparent government, administration by law, efficient and clean government. The Marxist theory of "public servant", the theory of people's sovereignty, the theory of new public service and the theory of serving the people of the Communist Party of China are the theoretical basis of the construction of service-oriented government. The construction of service-oriented government is the fundamental requirement of adhering to the Party's tenet of serving the people wholeheartedly, and the inevitable requirement of carrying out the scientific concept of development and building a harmonious socialist society. It is an important task of speeding up the reform of the administrative system and strengthening the government's own construction. Decision making plays a very important role in government work. The success or failure of government decision is related to the success or failure of the cause of a region or even a country. Therefore, the construction of a service-oriented government decision-making mechanism composed of decision-making participation mechanism, accountability mechanism, decision-making supervision mechanism and decision-making evaluation mechanism is very crucial to the scientific and democratic decision-making. To standardize the decision-making mechanism of service-oriented government, we must adhere to the principle of serving the people, the principle of high efficiency and integrity, and the principle of openness and transparency. Through effective ways and measures such as institutionalization of decision-making procedures, regularization of decision-making participation, legalization of decision-making responsibilities, and so on, we can further standardize the decision-making mechanism of service-oriented governments, thereby improving the quality and level of services, and building a system that will satisfy the people. A service government that accords with the wishes of the people and allows the people to enjoy dignity and happiness.
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