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发布时间:2018-11-23 07:27
【摘要】:马基雅维利与韩非子虽然是分属东西两种文化的思想家,但是他们建立在人性论基础上的非道德主义权力观却呈现出诸多相似之处。两人所处的时代背景都是国家内忧外患之时,外有强敌虎视眈眈,内有纷争不断。在次样的大时代背景下,两人都积极的思考着如何让国家强大起来的对策,也不约而同的走上了非道德主义权力观之路。 首先,马基雅维利和韩非子都本着“是怎么样”而非“应该是”的态度,根据对现实生活的观察,对人性的看法都走上了一条对当时来说惊世骇俗的道路,马基雅维利坚信“性恶说”,韩非子宣扬“性好利说”。对于人性的态度,也不约而同地从现实主义和功利主义的角度去审视,并都在人性论的基础上建立起自己独特的德性观与权力观。 其次,两人从人性论出来,提醒君主,传统的道德美德对于治理国家是无效的。马基雅维利为君主引入了“公共德性观”,将公共道德和个人的道德分开,只要对国家的治理有效,即使在个人的道德评价是恶的,对于公共道德来说却是善德。同样,韩非轻视道德在当时的社会大背景之下的作用,君主已很难依靠着传统的道德来治理国家,唯有依托“力”才能治理好国家,但韩非“轻德”却不“弃德”,这是两者非道德主义德性观的重要特点之一。 最后,两人在各自的时代背景下,沿着:人性是恶的--传统道德已难起作用--君主该如何做的路线,提出了各自的“非道德主义权力观”。马基雅维利提醒君主要重视军队和人民要有狮子的力量和狐狸的狡猾,要避免受到轻视和憎恨,要亲贤臣而远小人等,只有靠“赤裸裸的权术”才能把国家治理好。同样,,韩非也提出了君主应该依靠“势的专制,术的诡谲,法的冷峻”三者相结合的权力观。
[Abstract]:Although Machiavelli and Han Feizi are thinkers belonging to both eastern and western cultures, their immoral power views based on the theory of human nature show many similarities. The two people are in the background of the country's internal and external troubles, external enemies are eyeing covetously, there are disputes. Under the background of the second kind of big times, both of them actively pondered how to make the country strong, and also embarked on the path of immoral power view. First of all, both Machiavelli and Han Feizi took the attitude of "what is it," not "should be," and based on their observation of real life, their views of human nature were on a path that was horrifying to the world at that time? Machiavelli believed in the theory of sexual evil, and Han Feizi preached it. The attitude of human nature is examined from the angle of realism and utilitarianism, and both of them establish their own unique view of virtue and power on the basis of the theory of human nature. Second, from the theory of human nature, the two reminded the monarch that traditional moral virtues were ineffective in governing the country. Machiavelli introduced "public morality" for the monarch, separating public morality from individual morality. As long as the governance of the country is effective, even if personal moral evaluation is evil, it is good for public morality. Similarly, Han Fei belittled the role of morality in the background of the society at that time. The monarch could hardly rely on traditional morality to govern the country. Only by relying on "power" could he govern the country well, but Han Fei's "light virtue" did not "abandon morality." This is one of the important characteristics of the two immoral moral views. Finally, under the background of their respective times, the two men put forward their own "immoral power view" along the line that human nature is evil-traditional morality has been difficult to function-how the monarch should do it. Machiavelli reminded the monarch to attach importance to the army and people with the power of lions and foxes, to avoid being despised and hated, to be close to the good, and to be far away, and so on. Only by "naked power" could the country be governed well. Similarly, Han Fei put forward the power view that the monarch should rely on the combination of "autocracy of power, treachery of skill and coldness of law".


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