[Abstract]:The Renaissance is the boundary stone of the birth of modernity. After a long time of dormancy in the Middle Ages, the republicanism, which originated in the classical period, has finally become a prairie fire in the new moment, and has become a powerful ideological force in shaping the new political order. As a result of the birth of a wide range of people, a pluralistic and heterogeneous modern nation-state, and the origin of a highly market-oriented and mobile modern commercial society, in the new era context, On the basis of learning from the intellectual resources of classical republicanism, modern republicanism has made a productive and creative transformation, showing the characteristics of the new era. Francesco Guichadini, an Italian thinker who has experienced a great change at the turn of the 1516 century, has undoubtedly become a keen perceptor of the spirit of this new era by virtue of his strong sense of thought and rich practical wisdom. A wise catcher and a visionary. In the many political writings of Guchadini, the new Republican concept has become a physical body, and is no longer a theoretical sketch that is illusory and ethereal. Moreover, it is a delicate political system design oriented to practical politics, which is of great significance to the metabolism of the western political thought tradition and the creation of the new political system.
【作者单位】: 贵州大学;天津师范大学;
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