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发布时间:2018-12-21 10:03
【摘要】:诺齐克于1974年发表了《无政府、国家和乌托邦》,由于该著作直指罗尔斯的《正义论》,所以引起广泛的关注,特别是该著作中的资格理论提出要以持有正义来替代罗尔斯的分配正义更是引起很大的争议。诺齐克指出罗尔斯的分配正义是一种非历史化的、模式化的正义观,在这样的正义观下,为了照顾社会的最弱群体的利益,则有可能牺牲一部分人的利益,出现侵犯个人权利的现象。诺齐克认为持有正义则是一种历史化的、非模式化的正义观,通过获取的正义原则、转让的正义原则和矫正的正义原则来论证了财产拥有的合法性,充分尊重了个人权利,并提出在任何情况下都不能侵犯个人权利的观点。 本文分为五个部分:通过思想史的研究方法,阐述资格理论产生的时代背景和理论背景,追溯资格理论的理论基础即洛克的“自然权利理论”和康德的“人是目的而不仅仅是手段”的道德论证,此为第一章和第二章的内容。而对于第三章即资格理论的内容上,采用了诠释学的研究方法,具体通过对资格理论的立论起点、资格理论的内核、资格理论的特征以及资格理论的目标指向等四个方面来力图还原诺齐克资格理论的本来面貌。第四章是通过辩证的研究方法对诺齐克资格理论存在的缺陷进行的辩护,分别从获取的正义原则里的个人权利的不可侵犯性的问题、自我所有权到财产所有权的转变问题以及“诺齐克条件”的标准问题;转让的正义原则的自愿问题;矫正的正义原则的财产合法性的历史追溯等问题进行辩护,力图对诺齐克的资格理论存在的缺陷进行一个新的审视。第五章通过逻辑与历史相统一的研究方法,从保护个人权利不受侵犯出发,结合我国的现状,探讨诺齐克的资格理论在保护个人权利以及规范和制约政府权力等方面所能起到的启示作用。 创新点主要集中在以下几点:在对诺齐克资格理论的缺陷的辩护中,如获取正义中提出诺齐克是借助康德的“人是目的而不仅仅手段”的道德论证来解释个人权利的不可侵犯性的原因的。对“诺齐克条件”中的仅仅把物质方面而没有把精神方面变化作为评价他人状况的好坏的指责,试图从德沃金的“嫉妒检验”说明如果把精神福利方面的比较作为衡量他人状况好坏的标准是更为不可靠的;在转让正义中,从辨识困境产生的原因和主体因素为指责诺齐克没有分清自愿与强制的区别做辩护;在矫正正义中,则是采用“无罪推定”的思维方法来解决财产合法性的历史追溯问题。 结合社会主义建设的当下时有发生的侵犯个人权利特别是侵犯个人财产权利、政府权力得不到有效制约和规范的现象,通过借鉴诺齐克的资格理论希望能够对保护个人财产权利、规范和制约政府权力等方面起到一定的现实启示意义。
[Abstract]:Nozick published Anarchy, State, and Utopia in 1974, which has attracted wide attention because of its direct reference to Rawls's the Theory of Justice. In particular, the qualification theory in this work proposes to replace Rawls' distributional justice by holding justice. Nozick pointed out that Rawls' distributional justice is a non-historical, stylized view of justice, under which the interests of some people may be sacrificed in order to take care of the interests of the weakest groups in society. There is a violation of the rights of the individual. Nozick holds that holding justice is a historical, non-stereotypical view of justice. Through the principle of justice obtained, the principle of justice transferred and the principle of justice corrected, he proves the legality of property ownership and fully respects individual rights. And put forward the point of view that individual rights should not be infringed under any circumstances. This paper is divided into five parts: through the research methods of the history of thought, the background of the era and the theoretical background of the emergence of the qualification theory are expounded. The theoretical basis of qualification theory is Locke's Theory of Natural Rights and Kant's moral argumentation of "Man is the end rather than a means", which is the content of the first and second chapters. For the third chapter, the content of qualification theory, the research method of hermeneutics is adopted, specifically through the starting point of qualification theory, the core of qualification theory. The characteristics of qualification theory and the aim of qualification theory are four aspects to try to restore the original appearance of Nozick's qualification theory. The fourth chapter is a dialectical research method to defend the defects of Nozick's qualification theory, respectively from the principle of access to justice in the inviolability of individual rights, The transition from self-ownership to property ownership and the standard of "Nozick condition"; The voluntary problem of the justice principle of transfer and the historical tracing of the property legality of the right justice principle are defended in an attempt to make a new examination of the defects in Nozick's qualification theory. The fifth chapter through the logic and the history unifies the research method, from protects the individual right not to be infringed, unifies our country's present situation, This paper discusses the enlightening effect of Nozick's qualification theory on protecting individual rights and regulating and restricting government power. The innovation focuses on the following: in defending the defects of Nozick's qualification theory, For example, in obtaining justice, it is suggested that Nozick explains the inviolability of individual rights by virtue of Kant's moral argumentation that "Man is the end, not only the means." The criticism in the Nozick condition that only the material aspects and not the spiritual aspects of change are good or bad for evaluating the condition of others, Trying to show from Dworkin's "jealousy test" that the comparison of mental welfare as a measure of the condition of others is more unreliable; In the process of transfer justice, the author defends Nozick for not distinguishing the distinction between voluntary and compulsory from the reason of identifying the dilemma and the subjective factor. In correctional justice, the method of "presumption of innocence" is adopted to solve the problem of historical tracing of property legality. In connection with the phenomenon of infringing upon individual rights, especially personal property rights, which occur from time to time in the course of socialist construction, the government power cannot be effectively restricted and standardized. By drawing lessons from Nozick's qualification theory, it is hoped that it will be of practical significance in protecting personal property rights, standardizing and restricting government power and so on.


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