[Abstract]:For a long time, the public service in our country is mainly realized through the direct provision of the government. The excessive monopoly of the government on the production and supply of public services not only leads to the expansion of institutional personnel, power rent-seeking and corruption, high service costs, low public satisfaction and so on, but also makes the problem of "offside" and "absence" difficult to solve for a long time, and the separation of "political" matters is slow, which makes the insufficient supply of public services coexist with the inefficiency and waste of financial funds. As a public political model produced from the West and successfully practiced in some countries, the theory of government contract governance has gone through a long stage of development, and has achieved some effective results. Therefore, for us, the government public service contract management is a new way for the government to provide public services. This model has changed the way of providing public goods outside the government, and handed over to qualified social organizations the provision of services for social development and people's daily life, which was originally organized directly by the government, and paid the cost of the services. Through contract management, the government changes from "producer" of public service to "buyer", and gradually develops into the mainstream way of reforming government management mode in most countries. The management of public service contract system is a kind of compound institutional arrangement which complements the functional advantages of government authority system and market exchange system, so it is an effective way to perform government functions. This paper looks at the world and focuses on China, in order to construct the basic framework and content of this paper step by step through the combing of literature, the analysis of relevant theoretical and practical results, the interviews of experts and scholars and the dialogue of relevant officials. First of all, through combing the origin, development and application of the relevant theories of foreign government contract governance model in practice, this theory is mastered, and then the effectiveness of the countries that have adopted this model is analyzed, and some problems and experiences in the operation of practice are found out. Finally, according to the actual situation of China, on the basis of fully combing and analyzing the theory and practical experience of the western government contract governance model, this paper probes into whether it is possible to draw lessons from or even popularize the government contract governance model under the existing public political environment and conditions in China, and focuses on China in such a way, probes into the possibility and necessity of carrying out the purchase contract in China, and hopes to transform the Chinese society. A series of valuable problems, such as the transformation of government functions, provide some references and suggestions. Improve the current malpractice of public politics in China, better contribute to the socialist market economy and a harmonious society.
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