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发布时间:2016-09-05 20:22


网友文档精品近日为您收集整理了关于论历史题材电视剧的大众传播学解读的文档,希望对您的工作和学习有所帮助。以下是文档介绍:分类号——学校代码!Q量丝密级学号历史题材电视剧的大众传播学解读Studying the Historical TV Drama munication研究生姓名杨杰指导教师姓名、职称田中阳教授学科专业研究方向传播学传播与文化湖南师范大学学位评定委员会办公室二。一一年五月摘要1111 1 1 II T1 11 11 11 1 II IIlY1 9 1 285720世纪90年代以来,中国历史题材电视剧呈现出如火如荼的繁荣局面。随着《汉武大帝》、《雍正王朝》、《康熙王朝》、《大明王朝》、《康熙微服私访》、《大明宫词》等电视剧的一度热播,掀起了一阵历史剧潮流,历史题材与电视这一大众媒介结合产生出强大的感召力,言说历史就成为了大众传播中的一种特殊的传播现象。历史正剧构建着民族的集体记忆也迎合了大众的政治欲望与盛世的梦想,而戏说剧则一面解构着崇高叙事模式,一面对历史进行无深度的消解,让受众在其中享受狂欢的快感。历史题材电视剧潮流产生于自身特殊语境,而它的存在也给可观的现实世界造成或多或少的影响,这些对于传播实践都有着重要的现实意义。以大众传播语境为基点解读历史题材电视剧传播热潮,看清历史题材电视剧流行的本质,可以更好的指导我们的传播实践。本文将从五个方面对历史剧进行分析:首先是从国家制度改革、市场经济力量和大众文化兴起三方面出发分析大众传播语境中历史题材电视剧兴起现象。第二部分对历史题材电视剧的传播者加以分析,从传播者方面来说,传者一方面受到来自意识形态和商业利益的控制,另一方面又在历史符号编码中对历史题材电视剧施控,从而实现传播者的权力。第三部分对历史题材的传播内容进行分析,不同历史题材电视剧会采用不同的叙事方式,造就了历史题材电视剧相对自由的影视叙事策略。第四部分是对历史题材电视剧的受众进行分析,首先把受众作为解码者,分析他们解读历史题材电视剧的三种立场,然后把受众作为使用者探析他们的各种心理需求。第五部分是历史题材电视剧所产生的传播效果解析,首先历史题材电视剧会营造一个“虚拟历史环境",同时它还有建构集体记忆和涵化效果。本文力求从大众传播语境中上述几个方面进行阐释,从而剖析历史题材电视剧流行现象。关键词:大众文化;受众;虚拟历史环境;涵化ⅡAB STRACTSince the 1 990s,China’S historical TV drama presents a boomprospect.With the”Han emperor”,¨Kang Xi dynasty¨,”The big Mingpalace¨,¨Kang Xi play in country¨etc,once set off apopular trend,historical dramas self-discourse history became public spread of a specialkind of dissemination phenomenon.History of the national straight partconstructing collective memory also cater to the mass political desire andgolden dream,and dramatized interpretation is alo衄narrative mode sidedeconstruction,face up to history without depth in which dispelled,andlet the audience to enjoy pleasure.Carnival Historical plays trendproduced in their own particular context,but its existence also giveconsiderable reality world cause more or less,while the effect of these forspreading practice has important practical significance.munication of historical plays propagation rush,see historical playpopular analysis can beRer guidance nature of municationpractices.This paper will be of historical dramas from five aspects:firstlyanalyzes from national system reform,market economic strength andmass culture rise on three aspects analysis in the context of munication historical TV drama rise.The second part historical municator to analyze from disseminator ways,and bydisseminators hand from ideology mercial interests of control,onthe other hand but in history from himself in the code to sign the spreadof historical TV drama controlled,pleting as disseminator tofunction.The third part of the spread of historical document analysis,thecontent in different historical TV drama will use a different narrative style,and creating a historical TV drama relatively free video narrative strategy.ⅢThe fourth part is to historical TV drama audience analysis,who theaudience aSdecoding historical TV drama analysis they interpret the threepositions,as risers meet various psychological need.The fifth part ofanalytical is produced historical TV munication effect,firsthistorical TV drama can build a”virtual historical


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