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发布时间:2018-04-16 01:33

  本文选题: + 人文社会科学 ; 参考:《学术月刊》2009年01期

[Abstract]:Li Weiwu believes that 2009 is the 90th anniversary of the May 4th Movement and the 60th anniversary of the founding of New China. These major factors of the times will arouse people to make a new reflection on the New Cultural Movement.In order to form the exciting point of the Chinese philosophical world in this year, the future vision and related issues of China are discussed in detail.According to Zhong Mao-chu, the sharp shock of the global economy in 2008 will inevitably affect the trend of the research theme of Chinese economic circles in 2009. Therefore, "reflection" (that is, on the current financial system, financial system, world economic and trade system and order)Rethinking the concept and system of free economy, "revisiting the ancient times" (that is, reexamining all kinds of traditional theories before the mainstream economics was formed, "reconstructing" (that is, reconstructing the theoretical framework of economics)) three key words.Perhaps it can represent the main features of economic research for some time to come.Dong Naibin believes that the unearthing of more bamboo, silk, gold and stone documents has brought about the expansion of research materials and the expansion of the scope of research topics. In 2009, there will be two kinds of depth. One is the combination of the collation of materials with theoretical research.Second, the study of literature goes deep into people's hearts.Peng Wei believes that in 2007-2008, Yuelu Academy of Hunan University and Tsinghua University obtained a large number of Qin slips and warring States slips from the Hong Kong cultural relics market, respectively. Judging from the information already disclosed, as the collation work unfolded,It will form a hot spot in the study of Chinese ancient history in the next few years.Liu Shaojie believes that theoretical summary, academic deepening and field of vision expansion will become the main trend of sociological research in 2009.He Qinhua believes that the review and reflection on the development of Chinese law and law in the past 60 years, the concept of socialist legal system, the transplantation of law and the utilization of local resources, and how to deal with the relationship between judicial examination and legal education,Will become the hot spot of law research in 2009.Chen Mingming believes that exploring the organic combination of effective government and responsible government, seeking organic unity between a harmonious society and a civil society, studying the rational interaction between consultation politics and election politics, and paying attention to the common development of inner-party democracy and social democracy,It may be an important purport of future political research.Yang Xiaowei believes that in 2009, the exploration of educational reform practice and the reconstruction of educational theory will focus on the core values of "fairness", "quality" and "harmony" to form a new development reference frame.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院历史研究所;


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