[Abstract]:In feudal times of China and Western Europe, the phenomenon of monarchy was similar in appearance but different in reality. The doctrine of "Wang Quan" in Western Europe and the theory of "imperial power in heaven" in China both regard emperors as divine monarchs, but the former is rooted in the tradition of Christian theocratic politics and culture. It emphasizes that the only personality god in the universe, "God", gives the king his duty all his life, while the latter, based on the Confucian political and cultural tradition, claims that the monarch is the "son" of God. But because the so-called "heaven" is only the will of the gods, the fusion of natural laws and moral rationality is not only difficult to endow the monarch with a strong aura of "divine fate", but also contains the meaning of "fate transfer". Accordingly, the oiled coronation of the kings of Western Europe has the political symbolic significance of "Wang Quan", and becomes the legal basis for its status and status. China's Feng Zen is a few emperors using merit to sue "heaven", and there is no strict meaning of "conferring" by God. In Western Europe, the full divinity of Wang Quan promoted the formation and development of feudal monarchy, but also restricted it by theocracy and avoided violent political turmoil. However, in China, the divinization of monarchy is not sufficient, even though the monarchy lacks the restriction of theocracy and is easy to centralize power, it fails to make the monarchy protect itself from theocracy, thus it often falls into the political pattern of "great governance" and "chaos" alternately reincarnation. These phenomena are undoubtedly an important reason for the different development processes of the feudal society between China and the West.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学历史系
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