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发布时间:2018-10-09 08:08
【摘要】:“朝议”即集体议事制度,起源于原始社会的民主议事制,通过考古发掘材料及人类学家的田野资料,可初步窥见原始人类集体议事的基本状况,到了早期国家及夏商西周时代朝议得到了进一步的发展,现存文献中多有王与大臣集体议事的记载。 周平王东迁后,进入了春秋战国的大变革时期。春秋时期的朝议一般是清晨在朝堂上进行,其方式主要有君臣同议、君主单独召见某个或几个臣子私下秘议等。朝议的内容涉及十分广泛,包括政治、经济、军事、外交、礼仪等诸方面。战国时期朝议最主要的形式亦是由君王发起的君臣同议,另外也有秘密的私下商议。由于战国时期最主要的形势是多国争霸,在这种形式下,各国为富国强兵纷纷进行改革变法运动,所以这时朝议内容主要是国与国之间的外交问题及各国的变法事宜。春秋战国时期的朝议虽然在形式和议题上有相似之处,但朝议的情况一直处在演变过程中,,主要表现在卜筮在朝议决策中地位的下降以及参与朝议人员身份的变化。 朝议弥补了君主个人智慧的不足、使中央决策更趋合理化。另外,先秦时期的朝议为后世朝议的发展奠定了雏形,在中国古代历史上发挥了非常重要的作用。
[Abstract]:The "Chaoyan", or collective deliberative system, originated from the democratic deliberative system of primitive society. Through archaeological excavations and anthropologists' field data, the basic state of collective deliberation of primitive human beings can be preliminarily observed. To the early state and the Xia, Shang and Western Zhou dynasties were further developed, there are many existing documents of the king and ministers of collective discussion records. Zhou Pingwang moved to the east, entered the Spring and Autumn warring States period of great change. During the Spring and Autumn period, the discussion was usually held in the early morning in the court, mainly in the form of monarch and minister, and the monarch summoned a certain or several subjects privately and secretly. The content of the North Korean discussion is very extensive, including politics, economy, military affairs, diplomacy, etiquette and so on. During the warring States period, the most important form of the debate was also the monarch and ministers initiated by the monarch, and there were also secret private consultations. During the warring States period, the most important situation was the struggle for hegemony by many countries. In this form, various countries carried out the reform and reform movement for the sake of the rich and the strong, so the main content of the North Korean discussion at this time was the diplomatic problems between the countries and the matters of the reform of the laws of the various countries. In the Spring and Autumn and warring States period, although there were similarities between the form and the subject, the situation was always in the process of evolution, mainly reflected in the decline of divination in the decision-making process and the change in the identity of the participants. The DPRK made up for the inadequacies of the monarch's personal wisdom and made the central decision more rational. In addition, the pre-Qin period established the embryonic form for the development of the later dynasties, and played a very important role in the ancient history of China.


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