发布时间:2018-12-12 04:39
【摘要】:自从司马迁的《史记·循吏列传》为中国正史《循吏传》首开先河,继其后的历代史家大都秉承其志,起于《史记》,讫于《清史稿》的二十五部正史中有二十部都作有《循吏传》,共记载循吏五百多人。循吏作为正史中一个独特的官吏类型:他们政绩卓著、能有所作为而受到历代朝廷的大力表彰;他们在地方兴利除弊,造福地方,为百姓所爱戴;更重要的是循吏身上有着清廉、正直、爱民的优秀品质,这也是他们区别去众多普通官吏的显著特征;所以说他们就是中国古代官吏之楷模。本文正是以《史记》、《汉书》、《后汉书》、《晋书》、《宋书》、《南齐书》、《梁书》、《南史》、《魏书》、《北齐书》、《隋书》、《北史》、《旧唐书》、《新唐书》、《辽史》、《金史》、《宋史》、《元史》、《明史》、《清史稿》这二十部正史的《循吏传》为文献依据,以所载循吏为研究对象,来研究与正史《循吏传》相关的问题。本文共分为以下五个部分: 第一部分为绪论,首先阐述本文的选题依据及思路,并将前人对正史《循吏传》的研究成果进行整理分类,作相关文献综述,展现研究现状,最后表明本文的研究意义。第二部分为正文第一章,正史《循吏传》中对循吏的界定,以历代正史《循吏传》为依据,尝试给“循吏”下一个的更加全面而具体的定义。第三部分为正文第二章,循吏的政绩与品质及百姓对循吏的态度,,展现循吏的卓著政绩与优秀品质以及百姓对循吏的爱戴之情。第四部分为正文第三章,正史《循吏传》中循吏的几个问题考察,主要分析论述循吏的人数、贪污、民佣思想三个问题。第五部分为结语,对循吏作简要的评价。
[Abstract]:Since Si Maqian's Biography of officials in Records of History opened the first course for the official history of China, most of the historians of the later dynasties have followed their aspirations and started in the Book of History. Twenty of the 25 official history books written in the draft of the Qing Dynasty all contain official Biography, recording more than 500 officials. As a unique official type in the official history, the officials were praised by the imperial court for their outstanding achievements and achievements, and they did good things in the place, eliminated the malpractices, benefited the local people, and were loved by the common people. What is more important is that the officials have the excellent qualities of honesty, integrity and love for the people, which is the remarkable characteristic of distinguishing many ordinary officials; therefore, they are the role models of the officials in ancient China. This article is based on "Historical Records", "Han Shu", "Post-Han Book", "Jin Book", "Song Shu", "Nanqi Book", "Liang Shu", < Southern History >, < Wei Shu >, < Northern Qi Book >, < Sui Shu >, < Northern History >, < Old Tang Shu]. "New Tang Dynasty Book", "Liao History", "Jin History", "Song History", "Yuan History", "Ming History", "Qing History draft" these 20 official History "Biography of officials" as the literature basis, taking the recorded officials as the research object, To study the problems related to official history. This paper is divided into the following five parts: the first part is the introduction, first of all, the basis and ideas of this paper are expounded, and the former scholars sort out the research results of official history, make a review of relevant documents, and show the current research situation. Finally, the significance of this paper is shown. The second part is the first chapter of the text, the definition of the officials in the official history of official history, based on the history of the past dynasties, try to give a more comprehensive and specific definition of "officials." The third part is the second chapter of the text, the performance and quality of the officials and the attitude of the people to the officials, showing the outstanding achievements and excellent qualities of the officials and the love of the people for the officials. The fourth part is the third chapter of the text, the official history in the official history of officials in several issues, mainly discusses the number of officials, corruption, the thought of three issues. The fifth part is the conclusion.
[Abstract]:Since Si Maqian's Biography of officials in Records of History opened the first course for the official history of China, most of the historians of the later dynasties have followed their aspirations and started in the Book of History. Twenty of the 25 official history books written in the draft of the Qing Dynasty all contain official Biography, recording more than 500 officials. As a unique official type in the official history, the officials were praised by the imperial court for their outstanding achievements and achievements, and they did good things in the place, eliminated the malpractices, benefited the local people, and were loved by the common people. What is more important is that the officials have the excellent qualities of honesty, integrity and love for the people, which is the remarkable characteristic of distinguishing many ordinary officials; therefore, they are the role models of the officials in ancient China. This article is based on "Historical Records", "Han Shu", "Post-Han Book", "Jin Book", "Song Shu", "Nanqi Book", "Liang Shu", < Southern History >, < Wei Shu >, < Northern Qi Book >, < Sui Shu >, < Northern History >, < Old Tang Shu]. "New Tang Dynasty Book", "Liao History", "Jin History", "Song History", "Yuan History", "Ming History", "Qing History draft" these 20 official History "Biography of officials" as the literature basis, taking the recorded officials as the research object, To study the problems related to official history. This paper is divided into the following five parts: the first part is the introduction, first of all, the basis and ideas of this paper are expounded, and the former scholars sort out the research results of official history, make a review of relevant documents, and show the current research situation. Finally, the significance of this paper is shown. The second part is the first chapter of the text, the definition of the officials in the official history of official history, based on the history of the past dynasties, try to give a more comprehensive and specific definition of "officials." The third part is the second chapter of the text, the performance and quality of the officials and the attitude of the people to the officials, showing the outstanding achievements and excellent qualities of the officials and the love of the people for the officials. The fourth part is the third chapter of the text, the official history in the official history of officials in several issues, mainly discusses the number of officials, corruption, the thought of three issues. The fifth part is the conclusion.
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