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发布时间:2016-09-27 07:55



    In1835, with the publication of David Strauss’ Life of Jesus, Young Hegeliansraised a wave of German religion critique. Young Marx has deeply effected by thereligion critique theory of Young Hegelians, he also expressed his opinion about thereligious critique through The Holy Family, Theses on Feuerbach and the Preface ofHegel’s Legal Philosophy. So young Marx how to inherit the Young Hegelians’thought? What are the differences between them? What’s the logical relationshipbetween his early thought and his later theory? This essay tries to do the researchround the three logical mainlines.Young Hegelians is the performance of the Bourgeois democratic opposition in philosophy. That time the numbers of Young Hegelians who lived in the Prussian feudal rule, under The French bourgeois liberal democracy influence, they transform the current situation of the Prussian hopefully. According to their mentor Hegel’s point of view ‘Religion and philosophy, as the highest form of human spiritual life’ And in Germany at that time, Prussia, the rule of the old regime Just by this highest form of humanspiritual life maintained. So Young Hegelians think, If you want to change the political status quo, you should start from defending political religious spirit, To make religious criticism as political criticism’s guide ‘We Germans freedom in political can only growth with our spiritual moral and religious emancipation.’ So, The main task of young Hegel’s is religious criticism, and to achieve the purpose of political liberation by transform or digest religion. However the spirit’s permanent negative principle is alwaysas the overriding theme in Young Hegelians, Young Hegelians according to this principle launched a storm of criticism of religion.If Strauss’ religion critique is only is only aimed at individual story and Jesus,then Bauer’s progress is criticize to the whole Christian. Bauer cleared all the rational factors which remained by Strauss, believe that not only the miracle and the god ismade up by individual’s conscious fiction, but also the naissance of Christianity is theresult of reason abruption. He made the Christianity as a general sense of religiousphenomena, which made it possible to Feuerbach’s critique of the religion philosophy.In Young Hegelians, Feuerbach through humanism and materialism launchedcriticism of religion first time. He thought that religion is not the problem of how toaccord with human’s rational, but how to conform to the nature of man. Religion isnot the production of human’s rational, like sense of self, but is alienation of thenature of human. This kind of human is the man who base on nature, religion is thepursuit of general love based on nature of human, and it is a perfect carrier ofexpressing human nature. As one of the earliest philosophers who criticized Hegel, hethought that like all kinds of idealism, Hegelianism is just a kind of extend ofreligious fiction. Feuerbach’s religious criticism which based on humanism and he’sCriticism of the Hegel’s philosophy which based on materialism, have a hugeinfluence on the formation of Marx’s thought.But skeptical Marx did not accept all the Young Hegelians thoughts. In theprocess of accepting and reflecting on their ideas, Marx gradually clarify the logic ofhis religion critique, thus made a turn of the position of religion critique. Marx madethe first important change on his transformation of the alienation theory whichbelongs to Bauer and Feuerbach. He affirmed that although religion is a result ofalienation, the radical case of religion is not the alienation of self consciousness, notthe alienation of abstract ‘generic nature’, but the alienation of realistic human being.Realistic human being refers to a person in certain social relations, who has thecontact and conflict of material interests with other people. The social status madelabor, which belongs to human nature become alienated. Labor and labor products inturn control human beings, this situation produce a society that suffers both workers’body and mind. Religious Divinity is the product of this reality, thereforeanti-religious struggle is a fight with the world that employs the religion as a mentalcomfort. So the ultimate goal of religion critique is to eliminate the alienation of thepeople, to perish private property, and achieve the emancipation of humanity. Thus, Marx’s whole idea and direction of religion critique have substantive changes: As thereligion critique ultimately rests on the reversion of human nature, it’s not the guide ofpolitical criticism, but political criticism to be the premise of religion critique. Ormore precisely, human liberation is the premise of religion liberation.



中文摘要4-6Abstract6-8引言10-11一、 青年黑格尔派的宗教批判11-16    (一) 青年黑格尔派宗教批判思想概述11-14    (二) 费尔巴哈的宗教批判理论14-16二、 马克思实现的宗教批判理论的变革16-24    (一) 异化理论的改造16-18    (二) 宗教批判根据的转换18-21    (三) 从宗教解放到人类解放21-24三、 马克思宗教批判理论的意义24-28    (一) 青年黑格尔派对马克思的影响24-25    (二) 宗教批判理论变革的意义25-28结语28-30参考文献30-32致谢32






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