本文关键词:当前我国佛教寺院财产法律问题研究 出处:《广东财经大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:For a long time, on the property of Buddhist temple of the theory research is less, it involves two disciplines of law and religion knowledge, is a sensitive political issue. The property is the material foundation of Buddhist temple buddhist clergy and Buddhist life groups for the autotrophic, directly affects the quality of economic life. In addition, it is a legal problem and has become the focus of controversy in civil law, has become a realistic problem to be solved, it is necessary to be serious, serious, in-depth study of the theory. Through the research on the legal issues of property of Buddhist temple, the temple in the basic situation of the property system of China's Buddhism, there the problems and reasons and puts forward the countermeasures. This paper is divided into four parts to discuss these problems: one is an overview of the property of Buddhist temple. This part focuses on Buddhist temple property in China almost Concept, characteristics and sources, to provide theoretical support for the research of Buddhist temple of the ownership of property. Two is the Buddhist temple property ownership subject and its existing problems. This part discusses the defects of current property right of Buddhist temples in China and its main types exist. The three is the analysis of the current situation of legislation and the typical case of Buddhism's property system. This part mainly analyzes the typical cases in judicial practice, to make clear the judicial problems, as well as provide a reference solution to disputes. The four is the Countermeasures of Buddhist temple property ownership in China. Analyze the defects based on the discussion of the above this part, starting from the clear China's religious temples the legal status, clear property and Buddhist temples and put forward the corresponding legal advice.
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