本文关键词:建国以来彝族民间信仰及其变迁研究 出处:《西南大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:本文以云南新平县波村腊鲁彝族的民间信仰为考察对象,研究从1949年至今波村腊鲁彝族民间信仰及其变迁情况。在对波村彝族具体民间信仰内容、毕摩以及仪式活动展开描述的同时进行梳理与分析,试图从波村彝族民间信仰的各个方面展示波村彝族民间信仰的特点与内涵。本文除绪论外分为五部分。第一部分介绍了波村地理环境、土地人口、生计方式、聚居形式、因村寨相连而建立的公祭场所和通过通婚圈的扩大产生的外界交往等基础概况。 第二部分主要展现波村腊鲁彝族民间信仰的主要内容及其变迁情况。波村彝族民间信仰包括自然崇拜、图腾崇拜、灵魂崇拜、祖先崇拜等内容,通过禁忌、符咒、占卜、巫术等民间信仰内容内化到彝族人的日常生活中,规范并制约着民众的行为方式。对民间信仰内容的变迁状况,根据国家宗教政策所经历的起伏过程分为延续阶段、断裂阶段、逐步复兴阶段、全面恢复四个阶段。 第三部分讲述了彝族民间信仰活动中作为人神中介的毕摩在社会大背景的影响下如何传承,介绍了毕摩使用的法器,同时归纳总结了作为波村彝族民间信仰的传承者和传播者的毕摩的特点。 第四部分选择对波村彝族人生活中影响较大、内容丰富、时间跨度性长的三个仪式:结婚仪式、丧葬仪式、乔迁仪式的主要内容进行展示的同时,分析了从建国到现在波村彝族仪式变迁情况。国家在场使得波村的仪式经历了繁——简——繁的复杂过程。 最后,就波村彝族的民间信仰特点、社会功能加以总结概括,认为波村彝族民间信仰有原始性与地域性、多元性与融合性、自发性与全民性的特点,在民间信仰所表现出的社会功能方面具有维护社会稳定、传承民族文化、增强民族认同感和凝聚力等特征。
[Abstract]:This paper takes the folk beliefs of Bolaru Yi nationality in Xinping County, Yunnan Province as the object of investigation, and studies the folk beliefs and their changes of the Yi people in Bocun Ralu from 1949 to now. In this paper, the contents of the specific folk beliefs of the Yi people in Bocun are studied. At the same time, the description of Bimo and the ritual activities are combed and analyzed. This paper is divided into five parts except the introduction. The first part introduces the geographical environment, land population and livelihood mode of Bo village. The form of settlement, the public worship place established by the connection of villages and the external communication generated by the expansion of the intermarriage circle and so on. The second part mainly shows the main contents and changes of the Yi folk belief in Bollalu. The folk beliefs of the Yi people include natural worship, totem worship, soul worship, ancestor worship and so on, through taboos. Mantra, divination, witchcraft and other folk belief content internalized into the daily life of the Yi people, regulate and restrict the behavior of the people. According to the state religious policy, the ups and downs are divided into four stages: continuation stage, fracture stage, gradual rejuvenation stage and comprehensive recovery stage. The third part describes the Yi folk belief activities as the intermediary of human beings and gods under the influence of the social background how to pass on, introduced the use of Bimo tools. At the same time, it summarizes the characteristics of Beimo as the inheritor and communicator of Yi folk belief in Bo village. The 4th part of the selection of the Bo Village Yi people's life has a greater impact, rich content, long time span of the three ceremonies: marriage ceremony, funeral ceremony, the main contents of the housewarming ceremony at the same time. This paper analyzes the changes of the Yi people's ritual from the founding of the people's Republic of China to the present, and the state's presence makes the ceremony of Bo Village go through a complicated process. Finally, this paper summarizes the characteristics of the folk beliefs of the Yi people in Bo Village, and concludes that the folk beliefs of the Yi people in Bo Village have the characteristics of originality and regionality, pluralism and fusion, spontaneity and the whole people. The social function of folk belief is characterized by maintaining social stability, inheriting national culture and strengthening national identity and cohesion.
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