本文关键词:试论北京地区覆钵式佛塔 出处:《中央民族大学》2004年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 北京地区 藏传佛教 覆钵式佛塔 文化交流 象征
【摘要】: 中国佛塔是唯一从域外传入具有浓郁外来文化色彩的中国传统建筑类型,源自古印度,是用以供养佛陀、高僧身骨、舍利以及生前遗物的建筑,在中国本土文化的浸润下,演变出楼阁式、亭阁式、密檐式、覆钵式、金刚宝座式、宝箧印经式等多种式样,覆钵式佛塔是其中较为特殊的类型,不仅形制独特,而且具有深厚的文化内涵,是印度文化、尼泊尔文化与中国本土的藏文化、蒙古文化、满清文化以及汉文化相互交汇融合的产物,是藏传佛教的文化载体。 《试论北京地区覆钵式佛塔》一文在总结前人研究成果的基础上,综合运用历史文献、考古资料和实地调查资料三者相结合的方法,深入系统地阐述了覆钵式佛塔的形制特征、历史源流、分布区域,并对北京地区覆钵式佛塔遗存进行了详细的考察,梳理出覆钵式佛塔在北京地区的建造历史,,发现北京地区覆钵式佛塔与藏传佛教在北京地区传播的密切关联,并试图从人类学符号象征理论出发,更进一步阐释北京地区覆钵式佛塔的文化内涵。 作者认为:北京地区覆钵式佛塔是随着藏传佛教在北京地区的传播而建造起来的独特的建筑类型,不仅具有满足信徒崇拜的宗教功能,还具有环境建构和文化承载功能,对北京地区的人文环境产生了重大影响;作为文化交流的结晶,承载了大量的宗教文化、民族文化、建筑文化的信息,是多民族、多领域文化的集中载体。北京地区覆钵式佛塔是中华民族象征文化的重要组成部分,具有多种隐含的象征意义。
[Abstract]:Chinese pagoda is the only type of traditional Chinese architecture with strong foreign cultural color introduced from abroad, originated from ancient India, is used to provide for the Buddha, the bones of high monks, Sherri and living relics of the architecture. In the infiltration of Chinese local culture, evolved into pavilions, pavilions, dense eaves, bowls, King Kong throne, treasure trunking sutras and other styles, the bowl-style pagoda is one of the more special type. It is not only unique in form, but also has profound cultural connotation. It is the product of the intersection and fusion of Indian culture, Nepalese culture and Chinese native Tibetan culture, Mongolian culture, Manchu culture and Han culture. Tibetan Buddhism is the cultural carrier. On the basis of summing up the achievements of previous studies, the article on the Beijing area of the Archaeological and Field investigation combines historical documents, archaeological data and field investigation data on the basis of summing up the previous research results. This paper deeply and systematically expounds the shape characteristics, historical source and distribution area of the bowl-covered pagoda, and makes a detailed investigation on the remains of the bowl-covered pagoda in Beijing area, combing out the construction history of the bowl-covered pagoda in Beijing area. It is found that there is a close relationship between the pagodas covered with bowls in Beijing and the spread of Tibetan Buddhism in Beijing, and the cultural connotation of the pagodas in Beijing is further explained from the symbolic theory of anthropology. The author thinks that the pagoda of the bowl-covered style in Beijing area is a unique architectural type built with the spread of Tibetan Buddhism in Beijing area, and not only has the religious function of satisfying the worship of believers. It also has the function of environment construction and culture carrying, which has a great influence on the humanistic environment in Beijing. As the crystallization of cultural exchange, carrying a large number of religious culture, national culture, architectural culture information, is multi-ethnic. As an important part of the symbolic culture of the Chinese nation, the pagoda in Beijing has many implied symbolic meanings.
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