本文关键词:觉囊派“中观他空见”的思想渊源研究 出处:《西藏大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:“中观他空见”(以下简称他空见)是佛陀在毗舍离城三转法轮时期的主要思想。此义理在印度由龙树和无著等贤哲继承,其后以密传1形式进行传承,故比较隐秘,相关论著较少。约公元十世纪初,域摩·弥觉多杰拜迦湿弥罗人达巴贡布为师,学修了这一佛教义理,从而成为藏族佛教史上获得“他空见”义理的第一位贤哲。在藏地传承这一佛教义理之初,其传承形式与印度较为相似,也以密传形式进行授传。至笃布巴·喜饶坚赞(公元1292-1361)时,开始广收弟子,宣讲此法,并著有以“他空见”义理为主要内容的《山法了义海论》和《第四结集》等论著。从这位贤哲始,“他空见”义理在藏地生根发芽,独成体系而成为藏传佛教的一个新的宗派——即觉囊派。觉囊派形成初期,藏传佛教各宗派中的少数学者对其义理持怀疑态度,具颇多争议。其中有些学者曾找笃布巴进行争辩,最终被笃布巴高深的佛理造诣和高尚的人格魅力所折服,成为了他的弟子。笃布巴去世之后,部分学者在各自著述中表达了对“他空见”的否定态度。至五世达赖喇嘛之时,持偏见的少数当权者,断章取义觉囊派的义理,冠之以法脉不纯之名,用武力摧毁了西藏地区的所有觉囊派寺院。自此,觉囊派是歪门邪道的说法在藏区开始流传。至十九世纪初,图官在其《宗教源流史》中把“他空见”定义为邪教,并进行了大量的抨击污蔑。随着《宗教源流史》一书在藏区畅销,更加深了僧俗等众对“他空见”的偏见。 振叶以寻根,观澜而索源。为了澄清这一臆说,本文对觉囊派教义的渊源,也就是“他空见”在印度的产生及其传承进行了较为深入的探讨。通过搜集《甘珠尔》、《丹珠尔》和觉囊派学者的相关著作,列举分析了印度佛教经论对于“他空见”的阐释,提出了“他空见”在佛教经论中有较多依据的观点。 本论文除导论及结语外,共设三章。 第一章从佛教基、道、果三个维度对“他空见”进行解读,界定了这一概念的定义;第二章主要分为三部分,第一部分介绍了佛陀之前古印度文化的演变状况;第二部分阐述了佛陀在当时的历史文化背景下如何创立佛教,并探讨了三转法轮以及佛法结集;第三部分详细论证了“他空见”的观点来自于第三次法轮的理论观点。第三章主要依据印度“他空见”的众多传承人及其著述,尤以龙树、无著、世亲三个学者的“他空见”著作,结合他们的个人经历进行了较为详细的论述。 全文通过阐述佛陀的第三次法轮及龙树等贤哲的观点,论证了“他空见”并非歪门邪道,也非藏人杜撰的这一事实。提出了在佛陀的第三次法轮之际已经成形的观点。在当时虽没有明确提出“他空见”的概念,但其义理已在佛教相关经论中早已存在。总言之,“他空见”从定义到内涵都没有背离佛教义理,属具有历史渊源及根据的佛教义理之一。故此,我们应该摒弃对“他空见”的偏见,视其为藏文化的重要组成部分,给予系统研究,汲取该法脉传承的优秀成分,服务当今的和谐社会。
[Abstract]:"He saw the empty medium" (hereinafter referred to as he is free to see the Buddha in the adjacent homes) the main idea from the city three dharmacakra period. This doctrine in India by the dragon tree and no waiting sage inheritance, followed by the 1 forms of esoteric tradition, so secretive, less about related works. In the early tenth Century. Mi Luo BA Renda domain Mo Myegyawgdorjbagashi Kampot this as a teacher, learning and practicing Buddhism, thus becoming "the first time to see him" meaning the history of Buddhism in Tibetan sage. In the inheritance of Tibetan Buddhism at the beginning, the inheritance form and India are similar, with esoteric form of Professor Chuan. To Benedict Bubba Kijaujizan (1292-1361 AD), began to preach it, more apprentices, and the author of "he see" < mountain righteousness method as the main content of the theory of justice "and" fourth sea >. From the collection of works such as sage, "he is free to see" giri in Tibet rooting Germination, a single system has become a new sect of Tibetan Buddhism - juenang sect. Jonang Tibetan Buddhist sects formed early in a few scholars are skeptical of its meaning, with a lot of controversy. Some scholars have argued for Benedict Bubba, was eventually Benedict Pakistan profound Buddhist cloth attainments and noble personality charm, became his disciple. After Benedict Bubba died, some scholars in their writings expressed "negative attitude to see his empty." Darai V Lama, prejudice minority rulers, Aki Toriyoshi sent the capsule of righteousness, crown by impure veins the use of force, destroyed the Tibet area all the Jonang monasteries. Since then, Jonang is that crooked ways began to spread in the Tibetan area. To the early nineteenth Century, the official figure in the history of the origin of religion < > "he see empty" is defined as a cult, and A large number of attacks with slander. "A Book of religious origin and history" in Tibetan popular, more deep and all of his time to see "bias.
Vibration leaves to roots, and source cable. Mission to clarify this assumption, the origin of sleep pouch faction doctrine, "he is free to see" and its inheritance in India were deeply studied. Through the collection of < < > > gangyur, tengyur and sleep related works capsule scholar, cited India is analyzed by the theory of Buddhism to "see his empty" explanation, put forward "he see more empty" on the basis of the view in Buddhism.
In addition to the introduction and conclusion, there are three chapters in this paper.
The first chapter from the Buddhist, fruit base, the three dimensions of interpretation of his empty ", the definition of the concept; the second chapter is divided into three parts, the first part introduces the evolution of the Buddha before the ancient culture of India; the second part expounds how the Buddha founded Buddhism in the historical and cultural background next, and discusses the three turnings and Buddhism third part of a detailed demonstration of the collection;" he see theory "point of view from third. Many Falun heritage third chapter on the basis of the India" he see "and his works, especially the dragon tree, no, three scholars Shiqin" he is free to see "works, combined with their personal experiences are discussed in detail.
This paper through the elaboration of the third Buddha and dragon tree Falun sage view, argues that "he see" is not the fact that crooked ways, non Tibetan fiction. Proposed forming has been in the Buddha's third times as Falun views. At that time is not explicitly put forward the concept of "he see". But it has existed in Buddhism related theory. The long word, "he see from the definition to the connotation of" no departure from Buddhism, is one of the historic origin and basis of Buddhism. Therefore, we should get rid of his empty see "bias, as an important component of part of the Tibetan culture, give system research, draw excellent components of the inheritance of the harmonious society today.
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