本文关键词:试论俄罗斯独立后东正教的复兴 出处:《华东师范大学》2008年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 对俄罗斯独立后东正教复兴这一问题的研究,具有重要的历史和现实意义。对社会主义苏联时期政教关系的研究可以给我们处理社会主义制度下的宗教问题提供历史借鉴;东正教代表着俄罗斯的历史文化,对俄罗斯独立后东正教复兴的研究,不仅是研究俄罗斯问题的一个重要视角,也有利于了解俄罗斯人民的信仰,有利于加强同俄罗斯等有着东正教信仰的国家和地区人民的友好往来和文化交流。 在历史上,东正教一度成为俄罗斯的国教;在苏联时期,苏共也曾颁布过有关宗教信仰自由的法令,但当局在实践中却逐步偏离了信仰自由的理论指导,并严重向“左”倾斜,最终导致东正教在苏联大部分时间里都处于被压制、打击的状态;苏联解体前后,东正教开始逐步复兴,东正教以其强大的影响力填补了苏共意识形态瓦解后所出现的民众思想上的空白。俄罗斯独立后,在国家宽松的宗教政策和国家领导人身体力行的影响下,一时间,“宗教热”弥漫着俄罗斯的大街小巷。俄罗斯东正教的组织形式——东正教会不仅大力拓展宗教事业,扩大宗教影响范围,还广泛参与各项社会事业的建设,成为国家内外政策的支持者。东正教会的地位迅速提升,将东正教再次立为俄罗斯国教的呼声也日渐高涨,但在如今的体制之下,东正教不可能恢复往昔的国教地位。经历过痛苦洗礼而重生的俄罗斯在摆脱建立之初的混沌状态、逐步实现了俄罗斯国内政治秩序的稳定、经济实力的恢复、军事力量的增强,使这片热土又一次成为世界各国新的聚焦点。让人匪夷所思的是,在俄罗斯重新崛起的同时,东正教的热潮却在慢慢退去。如今,在俄罗斯城市和农村大大小小的教堂中,并没有苏联解体初时媒体所报道的“门庭若市”、“人头攒动”的场面。东正教更多的是表现出一种传统价值观的回归,越来越多的俄罗斯人把东正教看作是一种生活方式和一种文化的传承。 本文拟根据掌握的俄罗斯独立后东正教复兴的相关资料,在参考国内外学者的部分研究成果之上,力求透过这一历史现象,在客观论述的基础上,通过分析做出合乎理性的思考:一方面,通过对社会主义苏联时期政教关系的评述来探讨宗教能否与社会主义社会相容;另一方面,通过对东正教复兴原因及面临困境的分析,研究东正教能否成为俄罗斯的主流文化。
[Abstract]:A study of the revival of the Orthodox Church after the independence of Russia. It is of great historical and practical significance. The study of the relationship between state and religion in the period of the socialist Soviet Union can provide us with historical reference for dealing with the religious problems under the socialist system. Orthodox religion represents the history and culture of Russia. The study of the revival of Orthodox religion after Russian independence is not only an important angle of view to study the Russian problem, but also conducive to understanding the beliefs of the Russian people. It is conducive to strengthening friendly exchanges and cultural exchanges with the peoples of Russia and other countries and regions with Orthodox beliefs. In history, the Orthodox Church once became the state religion of Russia; In the Soviet Union period, the Soviet Communist Party also issued the law about the freedom of religious belief, but in practice, the authorities gradually deviated from the theoretical guidance of freedom of belief, and seriously tilted to the "left". Eventually, the Orthodox Church in the Soviet Union for most of the time in the state of being suppressed, hit; Before and after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Orthodox Church began to gradually revive, with its strong influence to fill the ideological collapse of the Soviet Communist Party of Soviet Union after the ideological collapse of the people's thought blank. After the independence of Russia. Under the influence of the country's loose religious policy and the practice of state leaders, for a time. The "religious craze" pervades the streets and alleys of Russia. The Russian Orthodox Church, the organizational form of the Russian Orthodox Church, not only vigorously expanded the religious cause and the scope of religious influence, but also extensively participated in the construction of various social undertakings. To become a supporter of the country's internal and external policies. The position of the Orthodox Church rose rapidly, and the call for the re-establishment of the Orthodox Church as the Russian state religion rose day by day, but under the present system. It is impossible for the Orthodox Church to restore the status of the former state religion. Russia, which has experienced the baptism of pain and rebirth, has gradually realized the stability of the Russian domestic political order and the restoration of its economic strength by getting rid of the chaotic state at the beginning of its establishment. The increase in military power has once again turned this hot land into a new focal point for countries around the world. Paradoxically, the rise of Russia has been accompanied by a gradual retreat of the Orthodox cult. In Russian cities and rural churches of all sizes, there was no such thing as the media reported at the beginning of the collapse of the Soviet Union. The "crowded" scene. The Orthodox Church is more of a return to a traditional view of values, and more and more Russians view the Orthodox Church as a way of life and a cultural heritage. Based on the relevant data of the revival of Orthodox religion after Russia's independence and referring to some research achievements of scholars at home and abroad, this paper tries to pass through this historical phenomenon and on the basis of objective exposition. On the one hand, it discusses whether religion can be compatible with socialist society by commenting on the relationship between state and religion in the period of socialist Soviet Union. On the other hand, by analyzing the causes and difficulties of the revival of the Orthodox Church, this paper studies whether the Orthodox Church can become the mainstream culture of Russia.
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